Thread: Grounds: The Topiary Garden
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Old 09-14-2024, 09:58 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Aurora was certainly an affectionate person but there were a select few whose company and physicality made her feel so at ease and Anna was one of them. She leaned into the squish, resting her head on her best friend’s shoulder instantly hit with a face full of curls. “Did you know your hair smells like marshmallows?” It was irrelevant to the conversation but felt like pertinent information that Anna should know about. Back to whatever direction their conversation was going in, as to whether their friendship was fate or destiny or sheer luck or some combination of all of them, it was all going over her head. “You were smart enough maybe, I’m not smart. I just know what I like and when other people like them too it instantly draws me to them. And we are like the same person in different bodies.. but also not exactly the same person because that would be odd. But close enough.”

She might have been a fan of all things pink but Aurora had never really understood the trend of dyeing dogs fur unnatural colours. “Like poodles with shaved bums and pompoms” she added helpfully. She thankfully had not seen any of those during her summer at the menagerie, Crup owners seemed to favour the more natural looking cut. Her eyes followed Anna’s to the Unicorn who seemed to be disinterested now the girls were engaged in their own conversation. “Mandrakes are the drama queens of the Herbology world” she giggled. Deadly drama queens at that.

Unfortunately (or perhaps really quite fortunately) Aurora was unaware of exactly who her tutor was after enquiring with one of their professors who had organised the whole thing on her behalf. If a name had been mentioned then her brain must’ve been focused on something or someone else and the information had not been absorbed. “I can’t imagine why not. I mean two brains are better than one and it’s not like it would be any extra work seeing as we bounce off of each other.” Quite literally although it was often the cause of a long tangent. “I’m meeting them on Monday, I could always ask.”

Little did the Ravenclaw know..

It HAD been a trio, Anna was right. But now it would be very much not a trio and Aurora had no interest in bringing in another party in what was already a ‘golden’ ratio. Not being forced to, not under the circumstances where they didn’t even get a consultation beforehand. “If two is company and three is a crowd then four must be a stampede and I don’t want to be crushed.” She focused in on a blade of grass which she plucked out from the ground. “He has other people he can go with anyway.” It wasn’t like he needed them anymore.
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