Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl Hearing Anna’s encouragement to tell Sage how much he liked her had really amped him up, and he was half tempted to run off right now and find her. Of course, he would wait and spend this quality time with his friend first, though. What was it LIKE? Solomon smiled like a little kid, “It’s… the best. It makes me feel scared, goosebumpy,” and sweaty, “but it’s also really warm… cosy… comforting.” He was struggling to find a way to explain it, and usually this would feel silly but he felt like Anna would want to know all the ins and outs. It was true that he often held hands with his friends, but it was a completely different feeling.
GAH. He was turning into a right softie.
Solomon listened carefully as Anna explained how she was feeling, suddenly feeling terrible for being so self absorbed until now. That happened sometimes, but he was listening now. “Yeah?” He replied when she mentioned revelations, but she didn’t want to talk about those and that was fine. “Well, if you ever did want anyone to talk to about it with.” He gave her a little shoulder nudge to let her know he was there.
He took a moment to collect his thoughts as she opened up about a situation where she was almost kissed. He no idea she had almost been kissed by her someone, but he wasn’t upset about it, especially since he had kept his own romantic explorations so secret. “I don’t think you were wrong to ask why. You shouldn’t just kiss someone for no reason. Well, unless you were into that sort of thing…” he considered for a second, thinking of the sleezebags who didn’t have any intention other than simply kissing people. “Do you like this person? Did you want to kiss them?” He asked.
He absolutely wanted to know WHO, because he was nosy, but didn’t feel it was appropriate to ask right now.
“You are amazing, you know?” He wanted to add, offering a soft smile, “Of course someone, whoever it was, would want to kiss you.”
Solomon continued smiling at the idea of the four of them having a picnic together. He thought of Aurora for a moment, “Hopefully Rora is up for it as well.” He also hoped Anna would give him some insight on their blonde friend, as she had DEFINITELY been avoiding him.
__________________ who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________  _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream |