Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium There was something new that Bryony wanted to began working on this year that may not come as any surprise to a few people very close to her. As for others, well, they might be quite shocked by it. The fourteen and a half year old wanted to begin her Animagi Training early. As in this year under the guidance of her Transfiguration Professor. The same exact way both of her parents had learned done so many years earlier.
Annnnd for the record, no, she didn't want to do this because they had. It may look that way to others but this was about her, deeper training for what she wanted to do with her future. But maybe it did help that she already knew exactly what to expect and how difficult this entire process was going to be.
Bry had mentioned it in passing many times over the years when she was younger, but this past summer was when she seriously brought it up to her parents. Roughly ten weeks of very serious talks about what this training consisted of, why she wanted to do this, who all she needed to talk to and every single thing in between. Her parents knew they couldn't make her nervous, when she wanted something... She would keep at it. Not that they had told her no. Having them backing her up was all she every knew.
Bry made her way to the Professors office the first free moment she had shortly after returning back to school. Visits to professors offices wasn't something she did on the regular but she was familiar with the little magical vanishing cabinet outside of this office. So with the use of her own colorful quill, the note was quickly filled out and placed into the cabinet, the little door was then closed. Name: Bryony Paton
Year: Fourth
House: Slytherin
Reason for visit: To discuss hopefully beginning Animagi Training.
Moving towards the door, Bry gave a gentle knock. Now all she could do was, wait.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |