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Old 09-10-2024, 09:21 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Rose Smith
Third Year
♥ ♥Cutiepie ♥ ♥The Mouse & ♥ ♥ Peace.Love.Sponge♥ ♥

Ooh! This was Emma's TIME TO SHINE. At least for a moment.

Her Great-Great Aunt Emma had been an old school Muggle film FANATIC and had left some of those ancient oddities and their watching devices to her many years ago. They were items she truly cherished and were near and dear to her heart.

She scribbled down the top 3 she knew without a doubt:

The Sound of Music
The Wizard of Oz

The others she had faint recognition, but wasn't quite too sure of, but noted the still photo with the flying car as "Bang Bang Car Whistle??? just in case.

She noticed some others had begun to pair up, perhaps it was time to stop being so shy and make some new friends...

"Ummm.... anyone wanna partner up with me? I think I know at least three of these for certain!"
She smiled brightly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She promised herself on the train that this was going to be the year she formed solid friendships, and she was holding herself to it.
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