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The fourth year offered the professor the usual cheery greeting then made his way towards the back of the classroom to grab a seat. He dragged a hand through his hair, making it in the process as he continued surveying the camera. It was quite a fascinating object.
Greetings weren’t necessarily required but they were appreciated as a matter of respect. Wordless greetings were included however they were paid in likewise therefore Mr Atreyu-Rehman was the recipient of a polite nod before the Slytherin took his seat.
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Everything in her mouth was quickly swallowed, her uniform checked for and brushed clean of any crumbs that may have fallen onto it before she stepped into the room. She wasn't late! Oh, sweet ninjas she was on time! Letting out a relieved breath, Bry lifted a hand and wiggled her fingers in greeting. "Hello Professor." Don't worry, she had every intention on sitting quickly, right where she always did. Beside Ary. Hey, hi, hello. She smiled brightly at him, reaching to give his hand a very quick squeeze before looking around the room. "Cool." Movies were always fun!
The next student seemed to be attached at the hip to the first, taking her usual seat at his side. It had made him consider on more than one occasion whether a seating chart would be beneficial for these kids to switch up their social circles but he had decided against it for now.
“Good mornin’ Miss Paton” The Professor spoke, watching as to whether he’d need to keep an eye on chatter levels throughout the lesson.
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“Hi Professor Leroy!”, she said brightly as she made her way to the seat she’d chosen earlier, waving at the older housemates seated near the back. Even as she dropped into her seat and turned back to the setup at the front, as promptly as possible given the navigation between seats. The foot tapping wasn’t about to worry her.
Tardiness was often the reason for deduction of points but Professor Leroy was not an unfair man and a level of understanding towards the first years in their initial couple of weeks was often present. As it so happened Miss Kensington was on time anyway.
“Welcome” he nodded to the newcomer.
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Today, TADA, she was not only not late but EARLY to class - something she felt Professor Leroy could appreciate - and with plenty of pep to her lighthearted skip as she entered. Her skip slowed to a more on her tippy toes stride while she offered the professor a smile and good morning wave (to her peers as well!). Anna's eyes widened slightly, excitement soon dancing across her freckled features, as the pieces of the Muggle Studies puzzle fell into place. Thanks to Aurora, Anna knew a fair bit about film and cinema in general so she may actually have a good shot of remembering the majority of today's lesson and not require as much review of the material later! "Good day, professor," she beamed as she quickly found a desk and began organizing her things haphazardly about her desk. "Are you warming up for a tap dance, sir?" she inquired with a quick point to his tapping foot. Ancient vintage Hollywood and tap dancing went hand in hand, right?
Mind wandering back to a conversation he’d recently had with a compatriot over the
interesting questions young minds sent in his direction, Professor Leroy couldn’t help the twitch of an amused smile from occupying where an expressionless mouth had once been.
“I left my tap shoes in my office” he replied. It wasn’t a lie either, Jeorge really DID know how to tap dance but there was a time and a place for such hobbies and the middle of a lesson certainly wasn’t one.
The tapping foot was merely a sign of impatience for dawdling students.
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Charely Potter
Jan kind of liked the straightforwardness in these lessons. He walked in and could see the Professor was a little on the grumpy side with their demeanor. Not that it bothered him, he smiled "Hello Professor," before walking straight to find a seat.
Professor Leroy was
never grumpy, not in the traditional sense anyway. Perhaps compared to some of the perpetually chipper faculty that Hogwarts liked to favor he might’ve been a little on the stern side but he was always fair and just and respectful and in his eyes that was what mattered most. He wasn’t here to be friends with the students.
“Hello Mr Grunt.” No borrowing was required, his personal collection could rival anyone else’s.
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Holmesian Feline
“Good morning, professor,” she greeted, following his instructions and finding a seat. There were a few other students already there. Ary and Briony…a first year Slytherin and her friend Anna. Making that three snakes, a badger and a lion. “Hey,” she greeted before taking a nearby seat and setting about laying out paper and writing instruments to be ready for taking notes. Tap dancing? The sixth year just now noticing the action of the professor when Anna pointed it out.
A theater wasn’t far off and arguably live theater was the precursor to modern cinema so the two could be interchangeable.
“Good morning Miss Atreyu-Rehman” he greeted. Try not to focus on his foot tapping habit, it would not feature in the lesson despite the Hufflepuffs enquiries.
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"Hello Professor," she greeted, taking the seat on the other side of Bryony. Fourth year row.
Professor Leroy didn't see the need to drag out a mystery for any longer than it needed to be and therefore the subject of the lesson was staring directly back at the students in the form of a vintage camera. That wasn’t to say that they would be aware of
exactly what they would be covering, the Muggle Studies Professor NEVER did things by halves.
“Miss Montmorency.” Her blasé indifference towards his subject would not be appreciated although her opinion of needing to understand the Muggle world was correct.
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Nordic Witch
A new school, meant new professors, new peers and of course the possiblity of doing something that the professors didn't like. This dark haired newly sorted fourth year lioness by the name of Rose arrived early for Muggle Studies class which in her book was a good sign since she hadn't gotten lost on her first day of classes. She took in the 'hollywood' sign, the weird looking camera, the curtains and other things. "Hello Professor Leroy!" Rose greeted with a sweet smile before going over to sit down in the vacant seat next to Emma and what Rose assumed were other fourth year students in the same row eg; Bryony, Ary and Jansher.
A new school perhaps but the Muggle world remained relatively unchanged and Professor Leroy was sure that it wouldn’t take long for a new student to catch up to their peers.
“Just in time Miss Snakebark” he replied whilst strolling over towards the door.