Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl He had truly picked the worst year to focus on things other than his studies, and while Solomon wasn’t particularly gifted in anything, the inspiration he felt when it came to songwriting had blossomed over the summer. It was something he had always been interested in, as a way to channel his darker thoughts that he always struggled with. All for personal uses, obviously. He was quite sure he would never share it with anyone. His journal was tucked under his arm as he sheepishly entered the music classroom, exhaling with relief that it was currently unoccupied. Given the popularity of this particular classroom, Solly didn’t bank on that lasting for long, even this early in the morning.
The seventh year didn’t really know where to sit, or what to do, as he dropped his bag to the ground. So he loitered for a bit, still glancing back at the door every so often, his cheeks already burning with embarrassment despite there being no audience. His curiosity eventually winning, Solomon perched himself at the magnificent piano and gawked at it after revealing the keys.
He’d never played the piano before, or anything other than a slight dabble with a guitar. He couldn’t seem to take to guitar playing - his soft, unworked fingers just too delicate for such things. Of course he was too stubborn and impatient to teach himself.
Solomon immediately felt like an idiot as he sat there, tracing his fingers along the keys. He pressed one, then two, before grumbling at the instrument.
Curse everything that needed practise and actual hard work.
__________________ who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream |