Thread: Staff Table
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Old 09-04-2024, 11:51 PM   #15 (permalink)
Wilber Winterbottom
Hogwarts Headmaster
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Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 498

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wilber O. Winterbottom

Good evening indeed! As much as he had enjoyed the copious amounts of sunshine, it felt lovely being back in the more temperate climate that England had to offer. “I certainly did,” he nodded to the Transfiguration professor. “Though methinks Earl enjoyed the trip more than myself at times.” Quite good that the Ravenclaw head of house had superior eyesight to Wilber as the greying man would be lucky to distinguish a unicorn from a nundu at this distance. Swiveling his entire body to look at the Charms professor, Wilber rubbed his white fuzz masquerading itself as a beard to help shake that information loose from his thoughts. “Oh well I couldn’t quite help myself and bought the lot, you see. Quince, apricot and lavender, fig, bitter orange, and redcurrant … the list goes on and on, dear. Some do have a smidgen of chili or pepper in them for a pleasant sort of kick unless you do not favor spice so absolutely check the labels before indulging.” He surely had brought back enough for everyone to take home two jars at least and anything left could be put in the staff room to have with a snack and cup of tea.

Rubbing his knees as the Sorting came to a close and the infamous hat escorted back to his office, Wilber gave the Great Hall another proud look over before standing. “Be just a moment,” he smiled at his colleagues while making his way out from behind the table with a jovial couple of pats to his rumbling tummy. “Thinking of going on a seafood diet, meaning I see food, and I eat it.” He had young people to address now, you see. Now standing behind the owl lectern, Wilber raised both his hands high and waited for all the youthful jabbering to quiet. “Welcome one, welcome ALL to what will surely be another wonderful year at Hogwarts. Additional welcoming sentiments to our first years and transfers and a wholehearted congratulations on the results of your Sortings. Your housemates and heads of house are eager to make your acquaintances as you embark on your unique journeys here and join the universal pilgrimage towards that bright and auspicious horizon called the future.”

A brief pause to allow for a humble round of applause instigated by himself and he was off on some more speech giving. “My dear wife would often say that dreaming is how we prepare for the future, so never stop dreaming and go to sleep Wilber,” he chuckled and swiftly wiped away at the corner of his eye. “So dream big and dream in abundance, young people, but I must remind you all that Patented Daydream Charms are strictly prohibited in the classroom and their usage during such times an insult to your professors and the expertise they are so enthralled to share with you.” He paused to give the mass of young impressional faces one of his more stern looks and even peered over the rim of his thick black spectacles. “And speaking of professors, we have two new faces joining us as the helm of this fine vessel this term, so if you will all please join me in a round of applause as we welcome Professor Marcus Cole as your new professor of Herbology and Professor Marion Burbage as she glides into the role of Astronomy professor. Good luck professors, we are rooting for you both.” And another pause for another round of applause.

“A reminder that classes begin Monday morning at 8, so remember to get copious amounts of sleep in between all your dreaming and weekend fun. Professor Feirgrund and Professor Leroy will be posting Gobstone sign-ups on the school’s bulletin board sometime next week and Professor Adara will be hosting a quidditch tryout in the immediate future as well. Enthusiastic youths best keep both eyes open and wide for those updates as well as consider the plethora of other clubs and organizations available to widen your minds and strengthen your perspectives,” he explained with a wink and clasped his hands together with a dramatic SMACK. “Now, I am certain you are all quite tired of hearing my voice and ready to have your tummies filled by all the delectable dishes prepared by the house elves. Thus, if any student can tell me what you call a bagel that can fly without the aid of magic then there is a handful of butterscotch candies and a little something extra special awaiting you. Eat your fill, my dears,” he finally concluded with a robust couple of claps of his hands to make the food appear at each table. “Truly, eat up and cheers to a new year at Hogwarts!”
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