Thread: Slytherin Table
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Old 09-02-2024, 08:15 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Molly Wyndham #cf4269
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Solomon Duck
Seventh Year

x5 x2
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl

He hadn’t noticed Sage following his Ravenclaw table stare down, to which Anna had now joined. “Uhh,” he started in answer to her question, “they’re my best friends.” Although you’d never know that right now given how weird they were being. Solomon laughed at her next question. Were they always this peculiar?

Yes. Yes they were.

Nah. They’re cool. Probably just jealous that I was snuggling up with you rather than them.” It was a SNIDE comment by his usual standards. One he’d never usually make, nor repeat anywhere them. Solomon glanced back over and extended his small smile to Anna before becoming distracted with another house table - dreaded Gryffindor. His stare fell upon a particular student for a mere moment before returning his attention to where he was. It really hadn’t bothered him like he thought it would so he wasn’t going to dwell on it.

Summer had really felt like such a long break away from these people. It had felt like it had been an important step in his moving on, and he was grateful for it.

Solomon grinned widely at her reach for his hand once again. “I’m a big fan of a dreary dungeon. Plenty of space to brood.” He was pretending to joke, but in actual fact it was true, the dungeons were great to skulk around in misery within. Sinking within the shadows, and all that. “We can venture out of them for our next date, though.” He looked to her with endearing eyes. It would be most inappropriate to lean in and kiss her here, wouldn’t it? Especially when he felt eyes on them, even though he couldn’t be sure.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________

_________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
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