Goodness Gracious Heavens Above! Gooooooooodness gracious HEAVENS above!
Why hadn't anyone alerted her to the time?!
Dismissing dear Algamus from assisting her with some final but VERY essential touches to the Astronomy Tower, Marion descended from floor to floor to floor through yet another floor until arriving at the ground floor and gliding her enchanting transparent through the occasional wall until she at laaaaaaast arrived at the Great Hall. She does apologize, dears, for the student or two or ten that she may have floated through in her haste. Fear not, she loathed the whole experience as much as you, love.
"Gooooood evening, DARLINGS," she greeted the table at large in her usual boisterous manner. Oh if only her seat were just ONE over so she could sit proper between two positively glorious stud muffins. However, seeing as she was a ghosts there really was no sitting to be had. Absolutely NOOOOOO offense meant to you, Hady darling. Marion was delighted to be joining beside you this term. She just could not help the young teenage girl still within the old dead ghost. "You all are looking absolutely ravishing and remarkably solid this evening." Extra winks towards you stud muffins - you knew who you were!
She took her seat floated above her seat before she turned her attention to Hady. "Now, tell me my dear. Do gnomes know how to climb stairs? I dooooooo believe I may have an infestation that needs dealt with but it could also very well be Peeves thinking he is being funny when he is faaaaaaaar from it."