Thread: Hogwarts Express: Middle Cars
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Old 08-31-2024, 06:20 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Molly Wyndham #cf4269
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Solomon Duck
Seventh Year

x5 x2
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Sage had not been able to cross of the entirety of her summer to-do list, the most infuriating of those items being her lack of improvement in wand identification, but it had been a very good summer indeed. It was also also quite nice to be heading aboard the Hogwarts Express and not having to worry too much about who she would sit with. However... this rarely was a serious concern since she always had her sister to sit with but she was choosing to ignore that technicality at the moment. It would have been nice to have walked the platform and corridors WITH him, but these back to school traditions were more family centric and she really wasn't too keen on subjecting Solomon to interrogation from papa and dad. She would see how things went until the winter holidays and reevaluate.

With a magazine tucked under her arm, Sage boarded the Hogwarts Express and started the task of finding Solomon. Really, it would have been so much more gentlemanly if he had just waited for her at the entrance to the back cars but she supposed she could appreciate his initiative in securing them a compartment - which meant that she was, once again, impressed by his ability to plan ahead. While not as anxious as she had been for their zoo date, the seventh year had made the mistake of doing research in the form of quiz taking once again to find out what sort of cuddler she was. According to her results, she was a Sweetheart Cradle Cuddler (which was equiparts embarrassingly named and giddy inducing) and the description of what this entailed had presented her with entirely too many visuals and she did not know what to do with them all. It also seemed a lot for a first outing at cuddling with Solomon but also the idea of his head in her lap or her head in his lap was tempting and very much so. Another result had been the more basic Arm Draper Cuddler and that result felt like a more achievable entry point into their cuddleship.

But heads in laps and playing with hair..

"There you are, finally," she groaned while weaving around a pair of energetic first years chasing chocolate frogs down the corridor and practically bouncing off the walls themselves as the train departed King's Cross. Thankfully the eagerness of younger students to be returning to Hogwarts had her exasperated enough to forget how nervous she was and she quickly slid the door shut before joining him on the seat and plopped the magazine on her lap. "You writing sonnets about me already?" she teased with a little nudge of the shoulder and as her freshly lip glossed lips curve and lashes fluttered.
Mere moments had passed, and barely three words that-at the time-he’d felt worked well together had been written, before he briskly closed the notebook and kept a hand on it. It was a silly time to get it out, he had now realised, though he hoped Sage wouldn’t press to see what he was doing, because he’d sooner throw it out of the now moving trains window than show her. Solomon smiled wide but closed mouthed, as she joined him in a flash, his heart racing a little at her sudden closeness and touch. Much closer and he’d certainly break a small sweat.

In his defence, he had tried to wait for her, and he would defend that later. Luckily they had an entire school term now to… hold hands? Cuddle? What even was this? Solomon had given it a lot of thought, and would likely ask Aurora or Anna about what to do next in the near future. As long as none it involved studying together.

There you are, you mean. I looked everywhere for you.” He lied right off the bat. It didn’t help that he was starting to really tower over his friends in height and everyone smaller than him just blended together into a blur. Solly gently sent her nudge back before smirking. “Wouldn't you like to know?” He teased as he buried his notebook deep into his rucksack that was resting between his feet. Out of sight. “Would you like me to write a sonnet for you?” A small attempt at flirting, and he traced his finger lightly along the top of her closest hand. An indication that handholding was imminent.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________

_________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
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