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Old 08-29-2024, 01:58 AM   #64 (permalink)
Charely Potter
St. Mungo's Mod

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Ean Zoilo Feirgrund

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jansher Leon Grunt
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Firash Grunt
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• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Daddy's words, and hair stroking was reassuring so JT relaxed just a little as he still eyed up one of the rats in the cage with interest until another thought came to mind, and he blurted out worriedly. "But dad what if Buzz will think that my new pet like that rat," he gestured to the rat with the long tail and whiskers again that was doing tricks in the cage so that his dad knew who he was interested in. "As food, and eat him up? Is it safer to go with a cat or an owl? I don't want Buzz to get all weird on me. He has to like my new school companion." He knew that mummy and daddy were just an owl away if he needed help with something when he was away at Hogwarts and he knew that some of his professor's were okay to talk to too. "Do you think I can sleep under the enchanted ceiling in the great hall if I want to be alone?"

"I hope I someday I will find someone who will love me just as much as you love mummy," JT said. "Maybe I will even meet them on the train ride to school." It was possible. He was about to say something more when suddenly something big and red literally fell down from the ceiling, and landed on JT's head causing him to topple over, and land with a hard thump on the floor hitting his head, with a red cat lying ontop of his chest eyeing him up. When his head finally stopped spinning, and his eyes finally focused on the cat he whispered out shakily. "Um, Hi! Who are you?"

It was a valid concern, since ferrets enjoyed rats and Jarveys resembled them greatly in appearance other than size. "Well, that is true though Buzz hasn't been given any rats to feast on in the past to give it any craving. We could arrange them to meet and see how things fare out.. But an owl or cat will also be safe and can tend to itself without needing as much supervision." He was more taken to owls because... well, he was a former Eagle. Birds of a feather flock together and all that. But it was JT's decision in the end and he would support them. Smiling at the thought, "You could... though I imagine your sleep will be interrupted if the Caretaker happens to check the area." Instead suggesting, "The Astronomy Tower was my favorite area away from the Great Hall."

It was this moment exactly, that got Kirk to feel warm in his heart. He could remember saying some of the exact same words to his dad and well, here he was trying not to get too welled up. "As long as you remain true to yourself, you will find someone worthy of your love." He would add the stars will show the way, but that was something he had figured out on his own time and hoped JT would learn the same way. "You just might. As long as you put yourself out there, check out some clubs and you'll meet people that you'll grow to like and someone may feel the same about you, even more so." Though it was important to join for fun and not just to find someone to spend time with. But JT was a sharp kid and Kirk knew he didn't need to remind him. Then suddenly, they encountered a furry little surprise.

Kirk immediately crouched so he could hold him up in his Keeper arms. "James! Are you hurt?" It was only serious matters that his true name came out. But a red bushy cat seemed to obscure most of the view. He sounded okay but spooked. His blue eyes focusing on the red cat and JT. The important thing next was to keep calm, "It's alright, I think they just want your scent first." He offered his hand closed to offer the cat whilst moving his other hand to the back of JT's head so he could lift him slightly without spooking the cat even more.


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