Thread: Playground
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Old 08-22-2024, 03:32 AM   #39 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Summer was summering and Anna could not believe that the coming term would be her final one at Hogwarts as a student. Some minutes it felt like it had only been yesterday that she had crossed the lake on those boats and donned the Sorting Hat, while other minutes it felt like a complete lifetime ago. Sometimes it was hard to fully grasp the passage of time because of, well, because of some heavy stuff she wished she could put down somewhere but was now forced to carry around with her.

It was really HARD keeping secrets too, especially for someone who was a run-on-sentence personified, but this was something she HAD to. At least for a little while longer. It was kind of nice to have this extra confusing thing going on because it made the other confusing things pale in comparison. It didn't feel like such a big deal that it hurt so profoundly when Reuben had asked to kiss her but could not give her an answer as to why he wanted to or why her insides either itched or fluttered when Ezra was around or why she still felt disappointed that Violeta was with Big Brother Joseph's actual brother, or why she had felt the bad kind of tingles when Freddy hadn't responded entirely positively to an episode of her abundant affections, or why she had begun to feel uncomfortable with her freckled features compared to the even tone skinned her peers appeared to have and could no longer see the constellations on her face. It was actually...pretty nice to have something that drowned all that out - most of the time, at least.

Thankfully summer was busy with other exciting things to keep her mind off it all, like volunteering at Creatures and Cwtches Sanctuary again with Aurora and (HOPEFULLY!) getting to go on that extra excursion to a dragon reserve with Mr. Derfael and Mrs. Chloe to pass Sunny and Merryweather off to the more needing mommy dragons. There was also school shopping and a wand fitting to take her littlest sister to and the Hufflepuffle simply could not WAIT to see that magical moment where a wand choose her - though really, they all should choose Simona because she was absolutely amazing! She was also still negotiating with her mum and dad about the Atlantis vacation that she, Aurora, and Solomon had dreamed of going second year? Third year? It had been SOME time now and they hadn't been able to yet (apparently Anna's OWL scores had not been satisfactory enough to warrant 'celebrating' their completion) but if not this summer then maybe NEXT summer it could finally happen - as a graduation celebration?

For now, and for whatever reason, Anna found herself wandering to the playground and was now sitting on a swing with her toes pushed into the ground beneath her to lightly swing her back and forth. She hadn't been on these swings in a LONG time now...maybe even before she began her journey at Hogwarts...and the fact that she could not remember just when the last time was became a trigger that had her curls seemingly loose their spring and droop around her face. Sighing to herself, Anna closed her eyes and continued her gentle toe propelled rocking while humming a sort of meloncholy lullaby to herself.
The one bad thing about being busy all summer…was being so busy all summer. Yeah, there was plenty of time with the family at their reserve, she would never miss out on some of those times, including certain creatures. But there was also all the practices and
quidditch games she had to attend either as player or watching to compare.. Nadia loved it, she truly did. It was her dream to be playing with the hopes of it helping her future. Though maybe not the struggle to try and find the time to grab her school supplies. She doubted she could be excused for accidentally forgetting something she needed just because her coach was also one of her professors. The Gryffindor was EXTRA careful not to forget anything for potions.

She probably could have asked for help from her dads but Nadia was doing her best to prove she could balance and be responsible. Raj might have assisted if he himself was free but that probably wasn't the case. So, the incoming sixth year was in Diagon Alley to try and get a few things off her list while she had some time. Absently cutting through the playground on the southern side of the street, she might not have paid it much mind, other than brief hints of memories, if she hadn’t spotted a familiar face. “Hey…” she greeted with a polite smile, one that faltered slightly as she got closer and registered the humming. “You okay?” she tentatively asked.
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