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Old 08-19-2024, 03:41 AM   #19 (permalink)
Charely Potter
St. Mungo's Mod

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Ean Zoilo Feirgrund

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Jansher Leon Grunt
Fourth Year

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Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Sadie was on her way.

Hot and bothered that the registrar had fumbled at the finish line and therefore she had to return to campus to receive some transcripts and other necessary paperwork for her CV since these things simply could not be owled to her for whatever reason she had not entirely listened to due to her aggravation. Even more irritating that the department chair had told her most of this was unnecessary due to the program being a funnel into St. Mungo's and their presumption irked her. Just because she was 99.1% certain she would be working at the renowned wizarding hospital did not mean she wanted to entirely close the door on other opportunities and private practices out there. Mostly it boiled down to her loathing being told what to do and being critiqued for how and where she spent her energy and effort. So thanks, but no thanks. Sadie Fayette Kareless knew precisely what she was doing.

Among the other errands on the day was handing in her two week (although more like a month and a half) notice to the Leaky Cauldron. Besides finishing her degree with honours was obviously her greatest accomplishment to date, but no longer requiring a waitress' salary was feeling right up there, that is if the pep to her step was any indication. Further pep to her black trainers step could be given credit to a certain individual she was on her way to meet, with or without the apron.

Her hands slipped into the back pockets of her loose-fitting jeans and a smile easily settled into place when she spotted him and his casual flair. "What a coincidence running into you here of all places," she hummed as she pushed up on to her toes slightly to give him a quick kiss and nip on the cheek. "See someone didn't skieve on arm day either."

She could not wait to hit the gym after all these errands of the day were done. It was going to be the best workout she had had in months.

How long was Curtis waiting? Don't ask him, he wasn't counting the minutes. Just the coins in the fountain below the mermaid. Muggles coins, of course. He had no need to fish for them though, especially when a fuzzy reflection on the water approached his own reflection. He smirked. A special smirky-smirk before he turned to return her the same kiss and a little squeeze too, cause why not. "All those weeks cleaning up after you paid off, you like?" Cause why not flex, just as his big brother Toby told him. Badger Boooom. It was a fine bet for him to lose.

"So, how was your day?" Curtis asked. He was totally stalling, but also curious on how her day was going. Sadie had mentioned something about errands earlier when he was half-snoozing on the couch with Pew Pew. That or he was dreaming. But dreams came true more often than not in his world.


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