Badger Biographies  (Graphics credit to Charely Potter)
Welcome to Hufflepuff House, where the loyal and the just congregate, hard-work and patience are always appreciated and fairness and modesty is ever important. The most inclusive of all the houses may become your home for the next seven years.
If you are interested to know your fellow Badgers better then you have come to the correct place. House Statistics Head of House: Professor Apollonia Fergersnout (Lottiepot) House Ghost: Fat Friar Founder: Helga Hufflepuff Colours: Yellow & Black House Cup Champions: 2061-62, 2062-63, 2076-77, 2077-78, 2078-79, 2079-80,
2080-81, 2081-82, 2082-83,
2085-86, 2095-96, 2109-10, 2110-11 Quidditch Cup Champions: 2060-61, 2061-62, 2062-63, 2068-69, 2069-70, 2071-72, 2076-77, 2078-79, 2079-80, 2081-82, 2082-83, 2095-96, 2097-98 Gobstone Cup Champions: 2063-64, 2076-77, 2077-78, 2080-81, 2081-82, 2082-83, 2085-86, 2086-87, 2087-88 Students: OOC: You may post your primary/secondary Hufflepuff character’s biographies below. Please stick to SS profile picture regulations if including images (no larger than 350 x 350 pixels and 60kb). Your biographies may be as simple or as detailed as you like. |