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Old 08-12-2024, 07:51 AM
Marion Burbage Marion Burbage is offline
Default Astronomy Guidelines & Announcements

Hellooooooooo my darling DEARS! Here is where you shall find all those important announcements involving Astronomy lessons and any supplementary activities I may be hosting. Please DOOOOOO make sure you stop be regularly to ensure you do not miss something important to your Hogwarts experience!

Now, before all of that, there are juuuuuuuuuuuuust a FEW items you must keep in mind to help you truly SHINE in Astronomy lessons:
  • Speak with respect to your professor and your peers. Share in each other achievements and mistakes - shaming neither.
  • Help create a conductive learning space by arriving on time in proper uniform for lessons and coming prepared with your wand, textbook, parchment, and quill each and every time.
  • Immerse yourself in your studies and learn how to share ideas and concepts without reciting directly from your textbook or other source material. Be innovative enough to explain things in your own words and openminded to expanding your horizons.
  • No food or drink in the classroom or observatory as it may damage the equipment or encourage critters that ought not be present to inhabit the space.
  • Exercise safety and caution with all astronomical instruments when you explore new ideas and concepts.
Hello and welcome to the Astronomy Tower. Just a couple of nitty gritty reminders to help us all enjoy this RP experience together:
  • As is with all parts of the SSRPG forums, all SS rules apply without exception.
  • Strive to differentiate between In-Character (IC) and Out of Character (OOC) actions.
  • Just because a lesson has begun does not mean you cannot jump in. You may choose to have your character behave as though they have been in the lesson all along or arrive late with the understanding that there will likely be IC consequences. Catchup is allowed at all stages of a lesson until the thread is closed.
  • Points are NOT awarded for correctness but ARE as a thank you for your effort and time. Participating throughout the lesson or activity, sharing your creativity and character(s), will earn you full participation points.
  • Only one of your characters per lesson unless otherwise specified.
  • Most importantly: HAVE FUN! The RPG is a place for collective imaginations to come together to create a unique narrative.
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