Thread: Seventh Floor: The Tower Patch
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Old 08-12-2024, 07:42 AM
Marion Burbage Marion Burbage is offline
Default The Tower Patch

Wait...did you just walk up all those stairs only to get turned around somehow and end up in the greenhouses somehow?

You may find yourself relieved to know that this is not the case, you are very much in the Astronomy Tower still, and that Hogwarts had not pranked you with its clever staircases. Overgrown and in quite the hugger-mugger state, this portion of the castle has certain seen better days. Among all the ivy and creeping buttercup you may be able to spot remnants of a mural quadrant and sundial through all the greenery and a weaving path just barely visible as well. Hedges and topiary that once neatly outlined this space have grown and in their expansion overtaken benches and two stone plaques that are no longer legible thanks to the foliage hiding it away.

Well, at least the paths are clear enough that you can walk amongst all the brush and make it to the other side where you can stand and enjoy an impressive view of the grounds? Just be sure to mind the nettles and thistles as those will not feel nice on your skin should you accidentally brush against it. Oh, and also ignore the occasional rustle and giggling that might come from the thicker areas of growth - it's probably nothing.
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