Thread: Staff Table
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Old 08-06-2024, 06:49 PM   #11 (permalink)
Wilber Winterbottom
Hogwarts Headmaster
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Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 498

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wilber O. Winterbottom

Wilber smiled as the transfiguration professor joined the group. “Good evening, Norman,” he greeted. “How are you this evening?” Another smile went out to the Creatures professor. "Hello, Hadleigh dear! I'm quite well, thank you. And yourself?"

He chuckled a little at Ean’s answer to the riddle. Did anyone else care to guess? No? He waited a moment more before revealing the answer. “You’re so close, Ean dear,” he said. “One conjures spells. The other spells ‘conjures’.”

The headmaster rose to begin his speech, “Tonight marks the end of another exciting term at Hogwarts. Thanks to your participation, The Woodcroft Games were a resounding success. Now before we tuck in to our delicious feast, a few congratulations are in order. First, to this term’s House Cup winner. Congratulations, Slytherin!” He turned to the table at the far right, leading the school in a round of applause.

When the clapping died down, he continued, “Second, to our graduating class. Stand up and be recognized, my dears. Although your time with us is ending, you’re off to new beginnings. I have no doubt you’ll make your mark on the world. Let’s have a round of applause for our seventh years!” Once again, he led everyone in applauding.

“For those of you returning in the fall, I look forward to seeing you again for another term of laughter and learning. Have an excellent summer holiday! Now my hungry little chickadees, let’s eat, drink, and be merry!” With a wave of Wlber’s hand, plates of food appeared on the tables.
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