Thread: Slytherin: Lake Windowsss
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Old 07-01-2024, 07:15 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rowan Fairfax
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ezra Greenwood
Fifth Year
Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!

Rowan's grades had been suffering since her return to Hogwarts in September. She had been a high flier, achieving the scores she wanted at OWL level, but things had taken a turn for the worse since her muggle grandma's health had started to decline. The recent stint in hospital had been sudden and shocking, and Rowan took the decision to leave Hogwarts to spend time with her nan.

Since then, the redhead had been returning home frequently for a few days here and there, since her grandma had been discharged, but she was falling behind. It didn't help that she was the sort of girl to keep to herself, her emotions kept fully in check on the surface, and left to bubble below. She was loath to ask for help and was beginning to get stressed.

To her dismay, she had missed opening session for the long term potions assignment --her favourite subject-- and necessary for her future plans when she graduated. She made her way from the dorms into the main common room, debating whether to pay Professor Adara a visit to get caught up to speed, when her gaze fell upon Sage who just so happened to be working on the assignment she was thinking about. How fortunate..

She perched herself on the sofa, leaning forward to take a look at the vials and ingredients surrounding the other girl. “What are you working on?” She asked, sounding nonchalant, trying to glean what the assignment might be.
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