Thread: Slytherin: Girlsss Dormitory
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Old 06-18-2024, 05:19 PM   #11 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Fourth Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

See, this is where things got iffy. A part of Bry did want to talk to someone else about it all, explain what she was feeling and have someone help her analyze it all and tell her she wasn't crazy that she was correct in her feelings. To be told it was okay to feel the way that she was and it was okay to avoid her very besties friend and the other person causing her trouble. The other side of her wanted to close herself off from everything and hope it all went away on it's own. That Aryan would come to reason and see that it was meant to be only her and that was that. She was so torn in feelings.

The small blonde knew though that despite all of her own troubled feelings, Gilly wasn't much of a talker. So the simple fact that her friend was offering some help, some comfort where and when it was needed was quite big for the other girl. It wouldn't be right or very Bryony-like at all to push her away now when Gilly was obviously trying very hard to be here for Bry.

The blanket was hesitantly pulled down off her head and she peered with big sad eyes over at her dorm mate. "They went off and worked on the charms lessons together like I wasn't even there. He likes him more than me.. I knew he'd replace me.. told him he would..." She spoke softly and gave no names but she honestly didn't think she had to.
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