Thread: Slytherin: Girlsss Dormitory
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Old 05-27-2024, 06:57 PM   #6 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Wonderland
Posts: 61,759

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Beauden Wild
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gillyweed Beery
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

x8 x8
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

Gilly watched Bryony's half-hearted wave with a sense of quiet contemplation. The two had always gotten along well enough, despite their different personalities. Gilly, often quiet and reserved, enjoyed her moments of solitude, while Bryony was usually more outgoing and energetic. Today, however, the behaviour of her fellow third-year wasn't loud, which just happened to be wordlessly screaming out at her.

She turned her gaze back to her book, though her thoughts were now split between the fascinating numerology theories and her dormmate's uncharacteristic demeanour. The idea of ignoring Bryony and continuing her reading was tempting, but it felt wrong to ignore Bryony's distress completely.

Closing her book softly, Gilly shifted on her bed to face the blonde more directly. "Everything okay?" she asked gently, her voice barely above a whisper. She hoped that her quiet tone would make it clear that she wasn't trying to intrude, just offering a listening ear if needed.

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