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Old 05-22-2024, 11:36 PM
Kolyander Kolyander is offline
Default CoMC: LTA - How to Raise your Dragon - Sign up

Over the last several months Paton had taught various lessons on different creatures but one of those lessons stuck out this term a bit more than some of the others. It had been brought to her attention that a few of the students had wanted a closer experience with dragons and not only to study their skeletal 'bones' as they had done. Well they were all in luck.

This past week during a previous lesson Hady had spoken with all of the students about what they all would be participating in soon. Raising their very own 'dragon'. Now obviously there was no way she could give every student (or any of them for that matter) an actual dragon! What she could do though was give each of them an exact replica of a dragon egg to care for and hatch. Once the egg is hatched they will then have to take care of 'raise' their baby dragon! Said dragon actually being a magical plush that resembled a baby dragon in every way, shape and form. It would do all the things a dragon did (except the breathing fire wouldn't be dangerous!) and all the students interactions with their dragon would be magically stored inside of it so that it can be recovered upon grading time

There will be two parts to this LTA. Part One is worth 15 points and Part Two is worth 25. This thread here is simply for the sake of keeping all of your information in one place and in order. I will be opening up another thread later today/tomorrow to get us started on part one.



Dragons Name:
Dragons Species: (What you're hoping to hatch will work for now!)

If anyone else watched your dragon, who was it? (Posts can be left for this also!)

Part One: Hatching their dragon egg

•Hatching their egg consists of spending time with/bonding with their egg. Naming it, deciding which species of dragon they want it to hatch into and then focusing on that species to help it hatch that way.

Antipodean Opaleye - Pearly scales and glittering eyes. So lots of shiny sparkly things used and kept around it. All the glam!
Chinese Fireball - Mushroom shaped flame. So practice fire spells around it.
Common Welsh Green - They have a musical roar. So play lots of music around it.
Hebridean Black - A bit more aggressive than some of the others and require more space. So make sure to keep these eggs comfortable and give them plenty of room.
Hungarian Horntail - Extremely fast fliers and have impressive flying skills. So hopefully you're a great flier too so you can take your egg flying with you. Just make sure not to drop it!
Norwegian Ridgeback - Is known to have a taste for aquatic animals. So maybe keeping it around or in water will help it hatch?
Peruvian Vipertooth - Smallest, fast and a craving for humans? Are you sure you want to hatch this one? So are you small, fast and human? At least two of those? Try taking this egg for runs around the grounds just don't drop it!
Romanian Longhorn - Its home is in the Carpathian mountains. So perhaps making it a safe place to ‘hatch’ that resembles its home will help.
Swedish Short-Snout - The scales are shimmery silver-blue and it is able to breath blue flames. So maybe surrounding this egg with lots of things that are blue will help it to hatch.
Ukrainian Ironbelly - The largest of all the dragons. So maybe everything you use for this egg should be larger than normal.

Part Two: THERE WILL NO LONGER BE A PART TWO! Rather than having two separate parts there will only be one. There is instead a thread called Dragon Playroom which is purely for fun. The students can use it with their eggs/dragons if they choose to. It isn't required to earn points. The end of the LTA is July 30th (unless everyone finishes before that)

Points:Post one: 10 points for posting in the 'Eggs' thread and picking out an egg, asking questions, gathering items that they might find helpful in caring for their dragon.
Post two: 10 points for posting anywhere you like rping tending to your egg. This could be anything they like.. going to class, flying, in the great hall having a meal, hanging around with friends.
Post three: 10 points for posting anywhere you like rping tending to your egg. Same as the 2nd post only this one should now include the HATCHING of your egg! Congrats their a parent!
Post four: 10 points for posting back in the 'Eggs' thread and returning your dragon to Professor Paton. This should include how they felt about taking care of them and how they feel about giving it back now... should they do so as they may decide now to keep it as a plushie OR return the plushie and have it donated to a dragon rehabilitation reserve. This one can be only ONE post if you choose, you don't need a response from me in the thread (unless you would like one, I'll be more than happy to play xD)

OOC: Hey everyone! I've been asked this question as some can't decide which kiddo to play for the assignment. So I have no issues with you posting one student here (the one that will be getting the points for the assignment) and then having your other kiddo reference having an egg/dragon or helping their friends with theirs OUTSIDE of these threads. Just keep in mind that they won't be getting points. Only one student can gain points for the LTA

NOTE: There have been some changes made to the assignment and I really hope I didn't confuse anyone. So please if you have any questions about anything feel free to nudge me. I'm also more than happy to assist in any rps with Hady or Bry should anyone need a sitter or just want to play