Thread: Lesson: Astronomy Field Trip
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Old 07-20-2024, 03:08 AM   #9 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

It was a mix of various types of landings and Professor Gert had made a point of helping students get to their feet if she was nearby, making sure anyone else was okay with their travel. Gingerly summoning the rope as she went and stashing it back into her basket for the return trip so nobody tripped on it in their walking of the grounds. Thankfully none the worse to wear to mare the experience. She smiled at the awe of their destination seen on their faces and in their voices, knowing her mother would be quite pleased with herself to know her gardening work was so admired.

“O’ course…” Celeste answered Ms. Paton taking note of the light level and the time. The sun was bright because of the minimal cloud clover, perfect for their purpose, but someone trained how to notice might take in that the eclipse was only minutes away. It was ever so slightly becoming dusky. “But no’ too long or too far. An’ be sure tae have yer glasses on when looking up at the sky as it is about to begin.” Not that it was always that interesting when the first slivers of the sun went dark. It was a lot of staring up at it over time to truly watch the whole movement.

As she took in the telescopes that had been set up as an additional perspective of the solar eclipse ather direction when she had made a brief visit the previous week, the astronomy professor also noted the table of fruit, pastries and water that had been left out on a table. Her dad’s contribution if she took a guess. A healer always made sure that people took care of themselves like eating and keeping themselves hydrated. “Now these telescopes have also been charmed with the spell we learned in class so once we’re actively watching the eclipse, be sure to check them out to see it more up close. “

ooc: will try to move on Sunday night.
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