Thread: Woodcroft Games: Summoner's Court
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Old 07-17-2024, 11:06 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
Default + Monty!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: The sweet girlfriend! <3
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
That was her Charlie. Never had there been a day since they had met that he had ever doubted her. And what was even better than that, she honestly didn't think she had ever let him down on anything she had told him. Her word was her honor. {"I love hearing your opinions on everything. I always want to know what's going on in that brilliant mind of yours."} Keigh smiled over at him. {"Only time will tell."} It would be nice though.

{"Yours is clearly way better than mine."} Just as her next turn has gone and proved all to soon. Wow that was terrible. So terrible in fact that the blonde had to stand there and laugh at herself for it. {"See? And you're worried about your aim. At least you're not playing with sheer ridiculousness like I am."} Keighley grinned at him through her laughter. She was only joking. This was a game after all and meant to be fun.

Charlie faired much better this time! {"Lookit you! I think you got the hang of it now."} She smiled brightly at him, clapping her hands. Right about when she was ready to step forward again to take her next turn Monty the man running the game was suddenly right there beside them. When and where and he come from?! No matter. What was this he was telling them about? Discounts for carbonated hair treatments? Now in all honesty Keigh could use that, MMA made her so sweaty and downright gross at times. So there was nothing at all wrong with giving her hair some extra special treatment, right? Not when coupons were appearing from thin area, her smile growing bright. "That would be so wonderful! Thank you so much!" The former badger was more than happy to accept those coupons.

Charlie made a mental note: be more vocal about his thoughts, at least with Keighley if not anyone else. This was something he thought that he could do since she was someone he could always have a conversation with regardless if it were a difficult one. {“I’ll do better in that department for your sake, my heart.”}

Keigh did have a point: his aim was better than hers but there was an obvious reason for that, wasn’t there? {“Only because I’ve had lots of practice with a Beater’s bat”,} came the honest reply. This was followed by a small bout of laughter because really, the girlfriend was being hilarious. {“Oh, I wouldn't say that… you’re just having a bad moment. Maybe a kiss would help?”} And Charlie planted a small one on her mouth before he pulled away grinning.

Or maybe the kiss gave him the good luck?

Char was significantly pleased with his latest attempt. His moment was put on hold as applause sounded. This led the pro Quidditch player to look around at Monty who was apparently making an offer to him and Keigh. Oh yes, he did ignore that faded imprint by not saying anything about it. “Thanks much! We’d appreciate that!” As was evidenced when Keigh collected those coupons.

And yes, it was still the girlfriend’s turn.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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