Thread: Third Floor: Duelers + Healers United
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Old 07-16-2024, 12:01 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Ary did try to be a good boyfriend, which was why he poked Bryony discreetly while the professors spoke: so she could pay attention to the two rather than him. Thankfully she did, and like him, seemed to understand the tasks ahead. When it was time to practise the charm, it was no surprise that Bry snagged him first. “Uh huh. We can do that,’’ Ary said as he got to his feet. “Mainly because you’ll need all the training with Healing Spells for when you injure me during your Ninja Warrior stuff.” His lips twitched so Bry would immediately know that Ary was pulling her leg.

“Let’s practise the charm first.” Maybe by the time they were done, Khanna would let them get started with the real thing. “REE - Crey - oh. REE - Crey - oh. Recreo.” There was a pause in which he made an observation. “Rhymes with oreo,’’ he said to Bry, grinning. “I don’t think we’ll ever forget this charm.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dhruv hung back while Ean filled the class in on the second aspect of today’s activity. Their gaze alternated between the class and their colleague. This particular charm was one they hadn’t used in a while but being one to always have faith in their own abilities, Dhruv was quite confident that if they were to perform the charm right now, they would be successful.

With the instructions given to practise, their attention went solely to the students. They and Ean, after all, needed to pay attention to determine if the students needed assistance with the incantation; they doubted anyone would need help with the wand movement.

After about ten minutes, Dhruv called everyone to attention. “Wonderful practice, all of you!’’ they complimented. Looking especially at you, Ms. Dolph, Ms. Paton and Mr. Atreyu-Rehman who had excellent enunciation. “You may still continue with your practice of this charm but those of you who are ready to move on to the Knockback Jinx are welcome to do so. You may use the dummies or you may continue in your pairs. For those of you comfortable with using non verbals, by all mean use them. Remember: only use of the basic Knockback Jinx is allowed.”

After magically removing the benches to a far corner of the Arena, they said, “You may continue.”

Moving back to allow the students enough room, Dhruv came to a halt beside Ean. “Have you ever had to use that charm?” they asked curiously.

OOC: Hiiiii, my dudes! Okay SO. Your characters are free to continue practising the Restore Breath Charm. When they’re ready to practise the Knockback Jinx, they can just go ahead - either with a partner or a dummy. The activity will end sometime on Saturday 20th July! Joel and I will be checking in periodically for interaction opportunities with you <3
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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