Thread: Lesson: Astronomy Field Trip
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Old 07-15-2024, 12:21 AM   #4 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Professor Gert had been double checking everything to make sure today would be successful. That included speaking with her companions on the other end of the portkeys who were making sure their site was to her specification for the optimal viewing. Thankfully she could trust them explicitly given their connection. The older woman was locking up her office and heading to join the others with a basket over her arm as she took in those already gathered. Two of which were certainly no surprise.

“Indeed, ‘at it is,” Celeste remarked making her presence known, hearing Aryan’s question as she walked into the tower. “But he had bin known tae respond tae other names…especially when mae brains a bit fuzzy an refer to mae former familiar.” Old brain who tended to stay up far later than she should at times and all that. Not that Hamish got any less love from his human compared to his predecessor who had saved her life on more than one occasion and thus shared a special bond with the owl animangus.

“We still have hev a few minutes tae wait on fellow travelers an prepare ourselves for portkey…” she mused as she unrolled an awkwardly long muggle jumping rope from its former place in her basket. Her choice even she needed a portkey for a decent sized group. “Do ye have any questions?

Ooc: Oops…my bad. Moving on tomorrow to travel.
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