Thread: Third Floor: Duelers + Healers United
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Old 07-14-2024, 02:05 PM   #8 (permalink)
Charely Potter
St. Mungo's Mod

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Join Date: May 2003
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ean Zoilo Feirgrund

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jansher Leon Grunt
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Firash Grunt
Games & Sports
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •

Ean was in good spirits per usual, though the joke certainly made his day better. The room began to fill as students arrived with his laughter fading, "Miss Ackerly, welcome in." Thankful for her subtle reminder. Followed by, "Hello Mr. Atreyu-Rehman and Miss Paton," He did notice the smirk on the young man, but he wasn't phased, after seeing it enough times. It only left him wondering where Mr. Grunt was. Not that he had to consider it for long, "Good day, Miss Dolph," She seemed to be without her- no, there he was, "Mr. Ingebretson, welcome." After hearing how they behaved in a certain defense class, he was sure to be aware on the temptations of young love on display. After enough had arrived, it was as good as any time to get started.

Feirgrund awaited patiently as Khanna went over the duelling aspect of the day. Before it was his turn, "Thank you, Professor Khanna. As Professor Khanna explained explained the activity for duelers is focused on the dummies at hand. But as with any duel, injuries can happen and it is prudent to take care of them so the dueler can remain on their feet. For the healing aspect, aspiring Healers will be focused on the duelers, if you notice one knocked back down from the spell rebounding, your task is to make sure they get right back up. How so?" Withdrawing his wand to tap the blank side of the white board to add in the following information.

Originally Posted by Whiteboard
Restore Breath Charm
REE - Crey - oh

Wand Incantation/Movement: Recreo - Point at target
"This charm, Recreo, is meant to restore a person's breath, especially when the Knockback Jinx has knocked the wind out of them with enough force, though it won't render them unconscious. It is very similar to Rennervate, which revives a person after being unconscious for some time. Recreo also resembles Anapneo, which clears the airway, though Anapneo specifically removes an object blocking the airway." With the similarities out of the way, "Now repeat after me, Ree-Crey-oh, Recreo," Giving them time to repeat the charm, "Excellent. The wand movement is simply pointing at your target. Unlike Anapneo, you don't need to aim directly at the throat or sternum region for it to work, though considering the specifics is a good habit. The distance from your target is more important; the closer you are, the better the chances for a beginner to achieve the spell. However, in a battle, this proximity could be dangerous for the Healer, so timing is also key." So perhaps he would leave that decision on where they would target from.

His attention then included the duellers of the day, "This is a good time now if you haven't already to pick a partner: one will be the dueler and the other will be the healer. You can also work alone, though it will be challenging to restore your own breath. Don't worry; one of us will assist you right away." It was good to have support. "If there aren't any questions, you may practice with the incantation and wand movement now. Professor Khanna will let you know when it is time to work on the dummies and each other."

OOC: Thank you for waiting, everyone! Duellers and Healers can practice the incantation and wand movement now. If there aren't any questions, Alicia will give the go-ahead in a day's time.

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