Thread: Third Floor: Duelers + Healers United
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Old 07-14-2024, 01:36 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Before Dhruv knew it, the time for the activity was almost upon them and Ean. “Hello, Ms. Ackerly,” they greeted the first student to arrive. They were guessing she thought that she would have been late given the manner in which she eyed the clock and then the muttered words that came afterwards. “We’ll be starting very soon.” So she wasn’t that early, if she was overthinking it. As if to prove them right, in walked Aryan and Bryony. Dhruv fixed Aryan with a particularly stern but amused stare. The boy’s cheekiness clearly was not dampened by the talking - to he had received from his father. Teens; they could be quite resilient. “Ms. Paton. Mr. Atreyu-Rehman. Good to see you both.” Dhruv then turned their attention to Maria, giving her a beam. “Ms. Dolph.” Intuition told them that Kion would be along soon. Sure enough… “Mr. Ingebretson.” Dhruv trusted there would be no overly display of affection. Again… teens.

After indicating to Ean that they both should get things started, Dhruv stepped closer to the gathered students. “Welcome to today’s joint Charms and DADA activity. For the DADA aspect, we shall be continuing our focus on the Knockback Jinx while revisiting a useful Charm - The Shield Charm.” As they spoke, the relevant information appeared on the whiteboard behind them:

Incantation: Flipendo {Fli-PEN-doh}
Wand Movement: A small check mark with a hook at the end.

Incantation: Protego {pro-TAY-goh)}
Wand Movement: A vertical slash of wand.

“Your targets will be the dummies which are charmed to both defend themselves and to send Knockback Jinxes back at you - only the Knockback Jinx and only in its most basic form. You are also permitted to use the Shield Charm. Please keep in mind that since only the basic form of the Jinx will be utilised, any injuries would be minor.” Dhruv paused so that the students could let the information sink in. "In addition, the dummies can receive injuries should they be unsuccessful in defending themselves, which will be useful for you as you will soon find out about.

“If there are no questions, Professor Feirgrund will explain the ‘Healing’ aspect.”

Over to you, Ean!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Oh yes. Bry had definitely made some great progress with all the complicated things. Ary gave her full credit for that and he fully appreciated her efforts. She truly was a fantastic friend and girlfriend. Regarding him making friends… well, he had to admit she had been right in deducing he would have many. How was it that she was always right?

Now seated, Ary watched the other students file in, greeting most of them including Maria, with a wave. He was sort of impatient for the activity to get moving since he was itching to get some practice - whatever that was - on the dummies. Thankfully, things got moving. Ah, the Knockback Jinx. Ary hadn’t the most successful experience with that one… maybe today that would change?

Questions? Nope, none!

OOC: Hi, guys! I hope I was able to make the instructions clear. If not, I apologise, my braincells are sorta scrambled. Please reach out to me if you need clarification <3 Joel will be posting shortly with further details!
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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