Thread: Games & Sports: Multi-Purpose Room
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Old 07-04-2024, 02:54 PM   #35 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emmeline Vance
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maria Kingstonsdottir Dolph
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

It was nice having a good get-together with his department. Often, the schedules conflicted with some busy on the field with activities and managing. Then the ones mostly working indoors. Accomodating for all was a challenge, but worth it. Firash was just setting the plates down when he could hear footsteps. It was one of his new employees. Her name was easy to remember, not only on her appearance, but her being related to a professional Quidditch player. She looked to be serious on making a good impression.

"Hello, Tierra.. how are you?" Fighting a chuckle with his friendly smile. "You can just call me Firash," He may already have some grey hairs, but he still thought of his own father when addressed as Mr. Grunt. But she was on the younger side, so he imagined old habits were hard to drop with only addressing leaders by their surname. Very polite. "There's plenty of food here, so no need to hold yourself back." As for her question, "This room is primarily used for workouts, entertainment, and certain events. As long as work is completed or you're simply taking a break, there's no rule against being here." If she had any more questions, he had no qualms answering them.

"I'm good, thank you!" Tierra beamed as she plopped a few grapes into her mouth to chew on. Nodding, she was going to try to remember that her boss preferred to be adressed with his name; Firash, and not his surname at least breakrooms and similiar. "Where does the name Firash come from if you don't mind me asking?" The blonde couldn't help, but ask sorry, but she was the curious sort.

She then helped herself to a fruit smoothie while her blue eyes took in the rooms equipment. "What kind of events or entertainment does our level organize? Is it just events for the ministry or for a broader audience?" Tierra couldn't sing a straight tune to save her breath, and she was just as bad at playing instruments so please Firash don't expect her to be apart of any ministry band of some sort. Starting to sip on her smoothie she wondered where all the other employees of the level had gotten to, was she the only one that read memo's from the DH?
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