Thread: Woodcroft Games: Picnic Area
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Old 07-02-2024, 09:31 PM   #28 (permalink)

Alley Proprietor
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Alfredo
Originally Posted by noodles View Post
And said quiet life suited Freddie down to the ground. Although he had changed over the years, mellowed with age, he still didn't feel comfortable around the other side of the family. They had never thought Fred was right for Trixie, but, what he used to resent and rail against, he now understood, especially since he had had daughters of his own. The couple were polar opposites in terms of where they came from. He would have felt the same had he been privileged enough to have been born with legacy wealth and some poor kid came sniffing around one of his girls.

He complimented his wife's playful smile with a small, soft one of his own, scooting closer to her on the blanket “Mhm.” He thought for a moment. “Although.. I was on my best behaviour at Hogwarts, and after meeting you.” Facts. Had she seen all the valuable stuff just laying around in the castle ready for the taking? Not to mention some of the paintings. “There was only that one time you had to bail me out.” He replied, his smile turning wry. But what followed that incident would not be mentioned or even thought about today.

He looked around at all the be-costumed people, his gaze settling back on Trixie. “There can't be many true purebloods left. Most of the community must know what's going on outside the magical world.” And it was true that fashion tastes had changed. “Yet the kids still have to wear robes to school.” How how he despised those things back at Hogwarts.

It wasn't like Freddie gave out compliments freely, but when he did, you knew they were genuine. Trixie was ageing with pure grace. He shook his head at her words, he didn't take flattery as well as his better half, and only resulted in embarrassment for him. “I'm just glad I haven't turned into my da.” He mused. “But thank you. I guess.” Fred had certainly bulked up since his youth, the boxing he took up factoring into it as well as a better diet and all the long walks with the dogs. His nose crinkled. Cheese? Old cheese? “Best keep such analogies to yourself.” He said playfully.

The man was grateful that there had been no word from his extroverted (obnoxious and annoying) cousin that he would be in attendance today. Their relationship had been a rocky one over the years, but, again, it was something that had calmed down. It had to really, with Trixie still being best friends with him. Loud people, attention seekers, those who had to have a witty word for everything, grated on Freddie's nerves (present company excluded of course). It was selfish, but he was glad to have Trixie all to himself today. “Fair enough. But if you change your mind, our daughters did say they would be here today.” Because, let's face it, Freddie would not be getting up in front of anyone to make a fool of himself. Another shake of the head. “No. Definitely not.” Sorry to be such a boring introvert, Trixie, but no.

Thankfully, for Freddie and for the longevity of their relationship, Trixie was a little stubborn when it came to her opinions and being adamant that Freddie was ‘the one’ had been one of those things that she had insisted on to her family whether they agreed or not. Her parents had grown rather fond of the man, her grandparents were sadly no longer around to give their opinion and she had no siblings anyway so there was no one else that mattered enough for her to entertain the time to listen to. Besides, without her husband she wouldn’t have been blessed with five incredible children (and subsequently grandchildren although she hoped there would be plenty more of those to come).

Were you?” She smirked back playfully. “Because I seem to remember you being a terrible influence on me.” It was a joke, of course. It wasn’t Alfred whose questionable Beater skills had resulted in an unintentional hospital wing trip, completely by accident obviously and not because a little name teasing had riled her up. Those valuables were likely to have been protected from sticky fingers by charms anyway. She’d have enjoyed watching him attempt to persuade of his innocence after igniting a caterwauling charm though. “Yes, well.. I’d rather not have to relive that particular occasion.” she squeezed his hand.

Trixie herself might have been one of ‘those’ witches had she not married a Muggleborn. It wasn’t that she thought differently of them, or that she was judgemental of their upbringing but rather that her family and their community would never have crossed. With that being said, she liked to think of herself being fashionable enough to not have made basic mistakes with her attire but who was to say otherwise? “Maybe not but surely there must be some very insular communities who even in this day and age don’t get that exposure?” They might have been a rarity but it wasn’t impossible. As for the insistence for wearing robes, Trixie hadn’t overly minded but her preference would always be for the Beauxbatons uniform she got to wear for the first four years of her education. “It’s no different than the uniforms children wear at muggle school, is it?” Perhaps they were more formal but still..

“You could never” she protested. Trixie’s ancestral morals might have been questionable but Freddie’s family wasn’t exactly innocent either. Her father-in-law had not been her favourite person, she was civil and polite when in his company but he was intimidating and persuasive and his intentions for dragging her husband down a path that neither of them wanted him to go didn’t not sit well with her. “You’re a family man to begin with and appearance wise, you’re genetically your mothers side.” Those Russian influences shone strongly through his features whereas his siblings straddled the middle ground with their own looks. “Cheese is delicious, my darling. A little smelly maybe but it definitely gets better with age.” Perhaps more of a vintage cheddar than a veiny Stilton.

Did that mean that Alfred was implying that she was loud and obnoxious and attention seeking? Quite frankly that was insulting! She thought herself quite demure and vocally controlled and she didn’t SEEK attention, just enjoyed the sociability of being in others company. Despite how happy she was to be enjoying a long awaited date night with her husband, Trixie would like it to be known that she WOULD have relished the company of her best friend had he decided to make an appearance no matter what Freddie thought of his own family member. “Ruby mentioned that she might make an appearance, I did not realise that Tabitha nor Holly would be too.” It didn’t seem like either of their scenes for perhaps the opposite reasons. “We knew for certain that the twins wouldn’t come.” Which was a dreadful shame considering that Rowan would be around somewhere and she was always looking for an opportunity to encourage Daniel to bond with his daughter.
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