Thread: Woodcroft Games: Butterbeer Barrel Roll
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Old 06-29-2024, 12:53 PM   #16 (permalink)
Maisie Windell
Hogsmeade Shopkeeper
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The amount of people that have come out to enjoy the weekend's festivities made Maisie proud. As did the turnout of those wanting to give the Butterbeer Barrel Roll a try. "Who is ready to play? You and you and you? Yes?" A gentle sweep of her arm was given in the general direction of the three teenagers (Anna, Justus and Emma). The smaller one didn't seem to be playing, no? Alright then, everyone could always use a wonderful cheering squad.

"Come, come now. Don't be shy," Maisie smiled warmly at them. "If you would all just put a ticket in this beautifully colored box then we may get started, this one right here, yes." There all saw the brightly colored ticket box sat upon a very large barrel, did they not? In case they hadn't, a tap, tap tappity tap of her hand atop of said box was given, perhaps if she herself had been looking at it much better she wouldn't have knocked it over and tumbling to the ground with a light 'thud'. "Oh, dear. Well never mind none, I got it." Bending down to pick up the box was a task all on its own, and the moment she had that box in her hands, it had fallen out again! Once and then twice. "My, my, butterfingers today indeed." Tisking softly at her own clumsiness the older woman finally rose to her feet with the box in hand!

"Huzzah! Here we are. Tickets go in here, yes.. and we may get started." They could all handle that, no? The box was set down on the barrel before she could drop it again.

"You may use Depulso only. Is everyone ready? At the sound of the buzzer you can go. I will count it down." Maisie thought it only fair to give them all a quick reminder of the spell and how the game would start. Now it was time for them all to have some fun and for her to watch.
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