Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! Yes yes, those traits could be seen in other houses. I mean, they were all human with all so many quirks and shades of grey and ALL the colours! Ezra shook his head. “I hate that.” He said earnestly. “People who say, 'Oooh, I'm just being honest', but then come out with the bluntest, meanest things. They might be true but you don't say them.” But in any case, he didn't agree with what his brother was saying. “It's their strongest traits. Just like yours is ambition and achievement. You can still be caring and hard working, it's just you fit the Slytherin mould more than you do the Hufflepuff one.” It was weird because the pair were essentially coming from the same place, but with their views at completely different ends of the scale. This happened so often with Elias and Ezra.
The lad chuckled at the thought of Evander getting lost on the way to the tower, and he had to agree. “If Evander thought before he acted, he'd be unstoppable!” The chaos he could cause would be unfathomable. “It's probably a good thing that he has the attention span of a gnat.” Who was being mean now, Ezra? Pah, it didn't count when it was your own family.. Right?
Where Eli found the graveyard to be emotionally turbulent, Ezra found it a place of quiet contemplation. Those ancestors were dead and buried. Gone. And the future could be shaped and changed for the better. As much as Ezra did not want to inherit the family business (and which he was trying his best to not be lumbered with by acting like the muggle-loving, technology obsessed, free spirited boy that he was), he, at least, had the solace that he could change things for the better. “You can help your hair length.” Like so it didn't fall into your eyes like that, Eli. But Ezzy did like the look on Eli. Despite it having dark, goth, vibes, it somehow made the younger boy look softer, sweeter.. more approachable. Evidently not what Eli was trying to achieve. He was like a pretty plant that would draw you in and then eat you when you got too close. “Good luck with that.” The boy smiled at his brother. The kids at Hogwarts were way too inquisitive (and nosy) to keep away from pretty man-eating flowers.
Well this was an interesting turn of events, wasn't it? “I know you like to try and look threatening but actions speak MUCH louder than words.” He teased. Would he do it? Ezra (bless his misguided soul) liked to believe that he would not.
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