Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Knockback Jinx
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Old 06-27-2024, 02:57 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Bryony!
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
As Bry continued to practice she vaguely took notice of Khanna walking around the room. Only when he stopped beside her desk did she pause and look up at him, a proud smile on her face. "Thank you! So far it's not that difficult." This could be for many reasons. One being the simple fact that she hadn't exactly tried to perform the actual spell for real yet. That was coming all in time.

First though, she would be writing down some notes on ALL that Professor Khanna was saying. Three different strengths to this spell as well as six color variations! It was a great thing that it was specified right away how it didn't matter which color was produced because Bry would be one of those that would find herself getting upset if she couldn't cast the strongest light. So she made sure to underline that the colors didn't matter in here notes. This was very important!

As for when she would use the spell, well that really depended on the situation. If she was being attacked by someone or something she might use it. Or maybe in a duel it might be useful. It could probably be used for other things as well, but she wasn't really sure what else right now. This was okay, because they were moving on! It was time for the field trip!

The small Slytherin was up on her feet the moment they were told they could be. All of her things being put quickly back into her bag and leaving it behind on her chair. There was a definite skip to her step as she hurried along the corridor all the way to... the Arena. Well that wasn't what she had been hoping for! A nice stroll somewhere out on the grounds maybe? Yet this seemed to be where they were staying. Alright then.

Several long moments were taken to study each of the large cutouts as all that Khanna said was taken into account. This activity sounded... ummm... not as easy as simply practicing the spell, Professor! And all of her hurrying along to see where their little outing was potentially going to land her, it had landed her directly at the front of the line! She was first!

Deep breath, Bry. Deep breath. Focus. Wand at the ready. She could do this! Her blue eyes moved from left to right. Right to left. A few seconds was hardly any time at all! Was this how her papa and Nova felt being Aurors?! The moment a 'baddie' appeared or so she hoped (they moved so fast!), Bry cast the spell as quickly as she could hoping it actually worked. "Flipendo!" She was going to give it her all.

Dhruv knew this was one of the ways in which Aurors trained. Having worked for a bit at the Ministry {albeit in a different department}, they were familiar with many way in which the respective departments worked.
With Bryony stepping past the line, the first cutout - the discreet thief sneaking a hand into a purse - popped out. It lingered for four seconds, awaiting a reaction of being left alone or potentially blasted. The little Slytherin chose to blast it - a wise decision. Whether or not the cutout was smashed to smithereens, it would disappear in one way or the other. As Bryony continued through the Arena, the next to popup happened to be a Wizard on a broomstick about to score a goal.

SPOILER!!: Sydney!
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Sydney definitely heard a chuckle from Professor Khanna when she gave her answer. It was rather amusing to think about someone touching a venomous tentacula, and it sounded exactly like something her siblings would do. Fortunately they had her to stop them from doing stupid things like that. Honestly, there weren’t many people she’d cast the Knockback Jinx for in that situation. It wasn’t the tentacula’s fault some people weren’t smart enough to leave it alone.

At the professor’s instructions, she followed the others to the dueling arena, eager to start practicing as soon as possible. Her grayish-blue eyes scanned the area, observing the six cutouts. She had a pretty good idea where this activity was going, even before she heard the directions. She listened with a slight frown. The idea of “good guys” and “bad guys” seemed a bit… subjective.

How did they know the muggle lady didn’t steal that cat? How did they know the thief wasn’t actually taking back something that rightfully belonged to him? The guy scoring the goal could’ve cheated to get it; the kid with the kite could be annoying someone by being loud or tromping over someone’s lawn. The witch casting Avada Kedavra could be defending herself from an attack, and the hag… was only doing what was in its nature. Morality was rarely as black and white as people wanted to believe.

Whatever Sydney felt about assigning morality to inanimate objects, she wouldn’t turn down a chance to practice a new spell… especially one with bombastic and/or chaotic effects. She took her place in line, practically bouncing in place as she waited her turn. When her turn came, she drew her wand. Her eyes scanned from left to right. As soon as an approved target appeared (she was not calling it a “bad guy”!), she wasted no time making the check mark wand movement with a hook at the end. “Flipendo!” she cast confidently.

Sydney just might be overthinking these cutouts. They were exactly what Dhruv described them to be because the descriptions served as a guide to the lesson’s activity. Nothing more, nothing less.
Up popped a wizard casting Avada Kedavra! The spell beelined directly for that particular cutout and like for the students, regardless if the spell collided, as Sydney proceeded the next cutout would make its appearance. This time, it was one of the Hag about to attack a child.

OOC: That’s a wrap, guys! Thank you for participating. The thread will close in a few hours.
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