Thread: Woodcroft Games: Summoner's Court
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Old 06-26-2024, 09:48 PM   #14 (permalink)
Charely Potter
St. Mungo's Mod

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ean Zoilo Feirgrund

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jansher Leon Grunt
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Firash Grunt
Games & Sports
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •

SPOILER!!: Who is this man?? + Hello Sadie ;)
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Text Cut: Curtis and no thank you, go away

The urge to roll her eyes was excruciating, and yet she instead found herself offering Curtis a side grin of her own with just the tiniest peek of her tongue sticking out. Clearly she was in a good mood this afternoon...entirely too good of a mood if she wanted to offer some introspective on the situation. "Not at all, seeing as I have no intention of losing. But so kind of you to ask," she cooed with some exaggerated flutters of the lashes as she leaned over and gave his cheek a quick but intentionally lingering peck.

Distraction tactic? She'd never.

Tsking his efforts with an even wider smile than before, Sadie sashayed her way into position and pushed her hip length box braid pigtails over her shoulders and out of the way of her spellcasting stance. "You see, the point is to not do what you just did and avoid the obstacles," she teased with a little flirty pinch of his cheek and a tender couple of pats. This time she DID roll her eyes at the insufferably pet name he insisted on calling her, which was surely the response he had been aiming for which meant that she was playing right into his hand. How embarrassing...but not as embarrassing as getting only ten points in Summoner's Court.

And then the host of this little carnival game arrived in a flourish of frill and teeth and...vouchers? Her brow arched and she side eyed Curtis for his reaction to this bloke - especially the emphasis on the 'please' which seemed to imply certain things that she Ravenclaw alumna did not take kindly to. "No, thank you. But you can give mine to my boyfriend." Who would then likely give it back to her to use for whenever and she would receive the discount without having accepted it from the man who seemed to be more teeth than anything else.

Feet now shoulder's width apart, Sadie took on a more relaxed dueling stance - though it did give off the impression that she was about to start a boxing match rather than cast a spell - and likewise summoned her ball nonverbally. As luck would, or would not in this case, have it...the moment the spell began to tumble out of her wand was also the precise moment that the Hogsmeade host went about his unnecessarily loud announcement. Her casting intensified, creating an uneven wave and spike in her spell's current which sent her ball zipping forward, looping around the same invisible vortex as what Curtis had encountered and her own ball went crashing into his and kept on moving. Another ricochet off a bouncy block and soon both balls had split in different directions from one another and were now zooming through the air like rogue bludgers going after the opposing team. Opposing team or source of unnecessary noise, as the case may be. As for the other ball, well, Sadie had a handle on that with a swift flourish of her wand. The cerulean ball bounced off the Shield Charm and lay on the platform at their feet in a deflated pile of leather.
Originally Posted by Monte Bossa View Post
Text Cut: the Sunflower & the Charmander

Gladly accepting the vouchers with an exaggerated bow in which his forehead NEARLY touched his knees (thank you for noticing how nimble he still was at his age), Monte slipped the pieces of paper into the little wooden box provided for such things and sent the couple off with an encouraging round of applause. "I wish you both a happy Woodcroft Games!" he called out and then rested his chin atop his palms. He had not a single knut nor clue as to what a Charmander was, but it was DARLING and Sunflower ADORABLE.

Very squishable like a fluffy plushie and nay a splint end in sight! Though...perhaps after their match he could interest them both in a coupon for 20% off carbonated head spa treatment because those roots were screaming for some refreshment!

Text Cut: the FEISTY SPICEY duo

Another pair of vouchers into the box and this one accompanied by a little hiss in commemoration of the competition heating up. Another pair that could only benefit from a carbonated head spa because HOLY Dumbledore's empty raspberry jam jar...what WERE these two doing? Literally rolling around in dirt. Horrific. Naturally, such things would not be apparent to others but Monte's keen eye and seventh sense was very in tune to such things. In fact, he was not going to wait for after this particular match to hand out the coupons and thus over the shopkeeper strut.

"Greetings and a personalized salutations to you BOTH," he greeted with yet another obnoxious grin while already waving the coupons in front of their faces. "PARDON the interruption to your match here BUT may I PLEASE offer you both a discount carbonated head spa treatment? Refreshing and revitalizing, you'll practically feel like you've a new head on your shoulders!"

Once again being out of the golden loop of youth culture, Monte had nary a clue as to how the darling little blonde was dressed but DID know she had lustrous locks. Perhaps she could do with just a liiiiiiiitle sprinkle of dry conditioner, but the way the sun bounced off her locks certainly did not show too much of a demand for such a thing.

Something else was clearly in demand, however. "Hello there, darling," he smiled kindly at the young girl. "Need a partner, do we? Give your good friend and hair extraordinaire Monte juuuuuuuuuuust moment and the odds shall be in your favor." Monte then pressed his wand to his neck to assist with this very important announcement.

"ATTENTION ONE, ATTENTION ALL! This lovely young lady is in need of a cohort to embark on the challenge that is Summoner's Court! Do NOT miss out on this opportunity!"

And he flashed the young girl another of his signature dazzling smiles.

"They'll be along shortly," he winked.

And hopefully someone without split ends because WHAT a tragic pairing that would be.

All of this cooing and fluttering of the eyelashes, Curtis couldn't help staring, "Is there something in your eye, sweet-" And there it was, the not-needed but well received cheek kiss. His face warming immediately. It was too bad they were near school grounds. Maybe it was old memories, but he was sure Slytherin would get points removed, just because, if his favorite Headmaster was still around to see this. "Merlin, that's cheating... do it again." Grinning.

All this petting, did he look like their beloved child, Pew-Pew? Not that Curtis was complaining. It just made it a tad difficult to keep his smirky smirk while his face was getting treated... by the who. Who is this man interrupting their date? Well, if it's free, he's not going to complain. "Thank you," He said pocketing them immediately. He was already stocked on all the good hair care, thank you very nicely. It was one of the many perks of having a beautiful girlfriend who looked out for his beauty too.

Speaking of looking out, Curtis could see where the balls bounced off each other. Before one went zooming in his direction. The speed of him taking his wand out, his rare moment of clumsiness decided to happen. He ducked to pick up his wand. He could swear he heard a smack in the nearby distance behind him. But he didn't check to look, his first sight was Sadie keeping her stance while the other ball was laying at her feet.

Trying not to smirky smirk... well, let's be honest, he didn't try to stop it. He stood next to Sadie, giving her a soft cheek kiss, "Nice going, luv." The court was cleared, "Looks like we're even now," He winked, before going to take his stance. Here's the wind up and the summon, Accio, zoom... The ball was now past the 10. He smirked. 20... Keep concentrating... bounced off the wall heading toward... Oh no.. it reached an invisible vortex. It span around and around before spitting it out of the court... "Welp, I lasted longer than you, Queen." He said, slightly sticking his tongue in the same fashion of their fur-baby.


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