Thread: Woodcroft Games: Summoner's Court
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Old 06-26-2024, 05:15 PM   #13 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Third Year
Default The most handsome! <3
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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

As a matter of fact, Charlie did notice the literal great length that Bossa’s forehead travelled. Was he in awe? Yes, he was. You see, he hoped to be that flexible when he attained the man’s age, whatever that may be. “Thank you,’’ the Quidditch player replied in his Swedish accent, taking it upon himself to absorb some of the man’s good vibes. One can never have too much of that. As for that head spa, he’d be delighted to hear all about that head spa treatment. Having varying temperatures of air whipping through his hair so often dried out his scalp or at other times left it greasy.

Just look at her! Everyone look at the gorgeous girlfriend! Charlie could hardly keep his eyes off of her even if she was being a little dramatic. Did her actress sister and actor brother-in-law rub off on her? Char couldn’t help but grin a little goofily as he watched Keigh. She was seriously addling his brain right now so he would not be surprised if she crucified him at this game. “I appreciate how competitive you are but let’s just see about that!”

Without thinking about it, Char switched to Swedish. {“That’s true.”} Just like he never made the mistake to underestimate an opposing team, he should do the same in this case. {“Whatever my Sunflower wants.”} He gave her hand a fond squish then he stood there with his wand in hand to watch the gorgeous one do her thing. As usual, he was impressed with her wand work. {“I think that was splendid,’’} Char replied honestly.

Then it was his turn. The girlfriend’s sweet smile was still imprinted on his brain and he was still feeling quite goofy thinking about how extra beautiful she looked in that costume so his own wand work was not up to par. The Accioed ball began rolling out of the red part of the court and promptly collided with one of the spongy things there which caused it to bounce backwards to its starting point. Char groaned. {“As a Beater with proper aim, that was not my finest work.”}
Oh me, oh my! Keighley most certainly did take notice of that bow! How elegant, how graceful, how everything all in one! Bossa had quite the flair and this blonde couldn't contain her bright smile aimed in the man's direction. "Thank you!" Now should he want to give out coupons to her and Charlie afterwards for a head spa, she certainly wouldn't be one to say no! Martial Arts did have a way of leaving one rather icky and sweaty afterwards and being pampered for a little bit would be nice. She also wouldn't mind explaining to him exactly what a Charmander was!

Yes, yes, they both may have. She couldn't help it if being dramatic every once in awhile was fun. "Are you doubting my skills?" Keigh continued to smile sweetly. Which skills she was speaking of, who knew. As when it came to this game, she had none.

The blonde smiled at her dashing partner. The switch to speaking in Swedish, not at all affecting her as much as it used to. {"As much as I do love the way you never mind, I wouldn't at all mind if you had a say in things too."} Just a reminder. She knew very well how laid-back he was. {"Why thank you, it was fairly decent."} She knew she could do much better than that.

Whatever was on Char's mind as he took his first turn was beyond her but she was all eyes on him. Her gentle smile never wavering. {"This isn't Quidditch though, Char. You'll do better next time."} She gave his fingers a light squeeze before preparing herself for her own turn. Now her goal was to attempt to Accio this ball towards her a little more quickly in hopes of getting it further than the other one. Which was going fairly well as the ball rolled steadily over the red, orange and into the green area before slamming rather forcefully into a spongy block that sent it ricocheting backwards and into the other blocks. It crashed into the only red ball she had out there and sent it flying off the court and rolling off along with it. Keigh stood there with a look of bewilderment on her face for a moment before bursting out laughing. {"Now that was simply fantastic, just fantastic!"} It couldn't get much worst than that, could it?
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