Thread: SS: We Are Family
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Old 06-26-2024, 03:07 PM   #30 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Fourth Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Yes, them. Mind them all, he knew perfectly well which three children he was speaking of. Hence why he had referred to himself as 'old'. Despite being slightly younger than his partner, these wonderful kids of his may have aged him quite a bit over the years, thank you very much! "Remember that these middle aged men are the ones that brought you here," Ren smiled sweetly at his oldest daughter. All jokes aside though, he knew they would all be alright as long as they stuck together.

"Alright, you three. We'll be over here if you need anything. Stay together." He would be remaining here for a bit to relax and enjoy the sunshine. When the kids returned from their bit of exploring they could all play a game of volleyball or take a swim in the ocean together.

Any chat about anyone being old, well, it all got giggles from her. She was the youngest in the group so she clearly had the most energy. "Tide pools! We can go fishy hunting while we look for others to play volleyball with... we can build sandcastles later." Vesper bounced on her toes as she looked up and down the beach, her gaze falling upon the smaller boy. He wasn't all alone, was he? Wasn't he too little for that? Maybe they could ask him to look for fish with them! She was going to keep him in her field of vision just in case he was all by himself and needed some company.

Raju thinking that she was going to tire herself out before they got to play a family game of volleyball had her giggling up a storm. "Not going to happen! I have ALLLLLLLL the energy! I'll be ready to play later, don't worry!" Vesp, beamed brightly at Raju and her papa. As for keeping her big sis out of trouble well.... "I'll do my very best!" They had her word!

Were they really sending him off with both of his sisters? Didn't he do this enough as it was? Everyone knew how much of a handful they were. Or well, Vera was. Surely they were setting him up for certain doom. Vasco looked between the two already overly excited girls, running a hand through his hair. "I might have to magically restrain them at some point... but we'll be alright, I'll make sure they get here in one piece." The mischievous twinkle in his eye said it all if his teasing tone of voice didn't. There was no need to worry, he knew he couldn't go and use magic on his sisters for several reasons. The most important one being he would have his papa to answer to if he did. "Ready girls?" They could lead the way, which he knew they would anyhow.
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