Thread: Woodcroft Games: Picnic Area
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Old 06-25-2024, 02:37 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Alfie Adair
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
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SPOILER!!: reuuub !
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
When Bronwen agreed, Reubens already wide grin stretched wider. It almost looked comical, but he didn't realise that. "Perfect, I was hoping you'd say that," he managed through that smile. Actually, her response had been beyond what he'd hoped - hence the stupid grin, but he'd hold onto the enthusiasm anyway. She'd love to.

If he were the type to swoon, he'd be doin' it right then.

And if they didn't actually get any better at their summoning charms? Well, he was pretty sure that their study session would be time well spent.

Reuben couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "Does that mean we have two dates in one day?" he couldn't help but ask. "Not that I'd be complaining, of course." He'd be happy to squeeze as many dates into one day as he could. As many dates with her, of course! Because whilst he was dating other people, right here, right now, he's focus was wholly taken up by Bronwen Grimaldi. Which, given he didn't have a lot of brain power to focus, wasn't necessarily as great as he thought it was.

She had the prettiest blush, Reuben thought, wondering if she knew. Surely she did, though - girls who looked like she did were aware of it, he was sure. "I can honestly say I have never said that to a girl- to anyone before." It was the truth, too! The candle thing, specifically, anyway. Compliments generally? Well, it was hard not to compliment the people of Hogwarts, of course.

Admittedly, he did look kind of funny smiling like that, but it was also sweet. Really sweet. Bronwen was so sure that she hadn't ever made someone smile that hard before. She hadn't known herself capable. So the sight of Reuben's overly large smile made her own smile grow wider too. "Maybe it was some weird telepathy or something," she replied. If magic existed then surely telepathy did too.

And as far as two dates in one day? She smiled harder still. "If you're keen." Two dates in one day was a whole new record for her - though, to be fair, one date in one day had been the previous record holder and that had only been as of today anyway. Huge day for Bon and dating, it seemed. But yeah. If future dates were like this one, she wouldn't mind squeezing two or more into a single day.

"So I'm special?" she deduced with a bright smile. If he hadn't ever said that to anyone before then surely that's what it meant. In any case, he sure had her feeling special. Though, she also wasn't aware of just how many other girls he was dating and, if she were to know, maybe that'd have her feeling a little less special.
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