Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Knockback Jinx
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Old 06-24-2024, 03:00 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Replies!
SPOILER!!: Maria!
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Hearty eyes and hand holding was to be reserved for outside the classroom. Maria understood and would comply. She didn't want to loose her house points or worse a detention too just for being too lovey-dovey with her boyfriend.

Back to the lesson, right blinking up at Professor Khanna she said thoughtfully. "The practicing is going good professor Khanna. The only tricky bit was the hook in the wand movement, but I think I have figured it out. Thank's for asking..." Yes, politeness was good.

The lesson moved on and after some extra spell info on flipendo's variations in strength and colour. She mulled on the next question for a bit. Raising her hand eventually and a bit tentatively she offered. "If we could still use the troll in our scenario then I think using flipendo maxima to knock the attacking troll backwards would be a good spell to get myself time to flee or find somewhere to hide from it."

Dhruv was significantly pleased to know that Maria had worked out the ‘hook’ aspect of the wand movement. She was such a diligent student, as was proven in her response. “The strongest variation in this scenario would be beneficial. As we know, many times magic may require a little extra effort to work on trolls due to their thick skin."

SPOILER!!: Sydney!
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Sydney acknowledged Professor Khanna's thumbs up with a polite nod. Although her expression remained as stoic as ever, she couldn't help but feel a bit pleased with herself for the praise she received. Not wanting to break her momentum, she kept practicing, alternating between the wand movement and the incantation until time ran out.

Refocusing her attention on the professor, Sydney listened semi-intently. She liked that there were stronger variations of the spell (she couldn't wait to see what happened when she tried Flipendo Maxima!), but what really interested her was the light colors. Why were there six options? Most of the spells she'd heard of only had one or two. And if the color wasn't assigned by incantation, how were they assigned? Was it random? Based on the carter's will? A theory formed in her mind. What if the light colors were determined by intent? Like, maybe using the spell to attack would produce red light, and using it to protect would produce white? And using it for pure, unbiased chaos… maybe orange?

Sydney was so engrossed in her hypothesis that she almost missed the next question. Her thoughts immediately turned to Flipendo Maxima, the strongest variation possible. She'd likely use that if something particularly large or dangerous was after her… assuming she didn't try to tame it. But that answer sounded a lot like the other student's (Maria).

Thinking again, Sydney took her answer in the opposite direction. She raised her hand and said, ”Of the three variations, I'd most likely use Flipendo Duo if I needed to knock someone away from danger to protect them. For example, if my sister was about to touch a venomous tentacula.” Which low-key sounded like something either of her sisters might do! ”You need the spell to be strong enough to push them back, but you don't want to hurt them either.”

The professor pointed to Sydney next and definitely could not hold back a chuckle at her response. “A very good example because siblings can definitely be inquisitive in that manner. Using that mild variation will definitely ensure your sister learns her lesson without causing any harm to her or the Tentacula.”

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Being called smart for mentioning the outrunning thing was a great boost in Emma's confidence. Even if when responding, she hadn't been thinking of how notoriously slow trolls were. It seemed they'd be practicing the knockback jinx though, which actually seemed as it would be a fairly useful spell in one's arsenal of offensive spells. It would be enough to delay the target through alarm, but not cause serious harm.

The third year hufflepuff found herself tracing a checkmark in the air, since wand movements seemed rather tricky and she wondered if forgetting the hook would impact its effectiveness?

"Flip-pend-dough" she said in rehearsal of the incantation, unaware she emphasized on several letters twice. That was when Khanna posed another scenario, asking about when maybe they'd be logical to use. Did it look like she was a Ravenclaw who used logic? Sure she had some logic in her, but it wasn't her primary strength.

Maria used the previous example of the troll which actually was pretty logical since it was already mentioned so likely a simulator would involve that in the later part of the lesson. "I'd ... perhaps Flipendo Maxima would be useful against dark wizards or creatures. It would be enough to maybe catch whatever off guard, but not harm."

“Not quite, Ms. Montmorency,’’ Dhruv remarked kindly as they approached her desk. “Fli-PEN-doh. If you listen carefully, there is only one ‘p’ and one ‘d’. Flipendo.” If they pronounced it her way, they would have ‘Flippenddo.”

The professor could think of another reason to want to use the strongest variation: Dark Wizards knew some rather terrifying dark magic and were not afraid to use it. That alone would motivate a lot of regular witches and wizards to want to defeat the evil wizards as quickly as possible. “Catch them while they’re down or distracted,’’ Dhruv mused. “An excellent strategy.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Now for the exciting aspect of today’s lesson!” Dhruv grinned around at the class because they thought that they had a rather mind stimulating activity. “If you will all put your belongings back into your bags. We’ll be only needing our wands today.” There was a pause in which they allowed the students to follow the instructions. “You may leave your bags here as we’ll be heading to the Dueling Arena. The activity requires more space than the classroom provides. If you’ll follow me…” With that, they led the way to the Arena which was only a very short way from the classroom.

Once there, Dhruv ushered the students in. Just what would they find? Six life size cutouts depicting six unique situations, situated at different intervals in a circle around the room:
  • An old Muggle lady walking a tabby
  • A Witch casting Avada Kedavra {recognised by the speech bubble with the incantation in it and the signature flash of green light emitting from her wand}
  • A child flying a kite
  • A thief discreetly sneaking his hand into someone’s purse
  • A Wizard on a broomstick about to score a goal
  • A Hag about to attack a child
But what do they mean? And how in the world did these cutouts tie into the activity? All will be revealed shortly; for now the students could simply take in the setup of the Arena.

Now that the students had been given the opportunity to take in the cutouts, Dhruv launched into the explanation of how to go about completing the activity. “As you can see, there are six cutouts: three depict innocent activities and the remaining three depict ones that are frowned upon.” Dhruv pointed as they continued to each: “The good: an old Muggle lady walking a tabby, a child flying a kite and a wizard on a broomstick about to score a goal. The bad: a witch casting Avada Kedavra, the spell is easily recognised by the incantation in the speech bubble and the signature flash of green light emitting from her wand, a thief discreetly sneaking his hand into someone’s purse and a hag about to attack a child.

“Your task is to make your way around the Arena from this starting point.”
The professor indicated a thick and bold yellow line a few feet from where the group stood. “Using the Knockback Jinx, blast the baddies away. However, there are a few points to be noted, points that will keep you on your toes. Half of the cutouts are situated on the left of the Arena, half on the right. They will not remain in plain view, nor will they appear in the same order for everyone; as you start from the line, they will pop up at intervals. The three at the left will popup and linger for five seconds at a relatively steady pace which will give you time to think about whether it needs to be blasted. However, the three on the right will pop up and linger only for a second or two. This leaves you with a limited amount of reaction time you will have. The goal is to blast as many of the baddies as possible while leaving the rest unscathed.”

Dhruv fell silent as they gazed around at the students to see if there were any questions.

“Right. If you will fall into a line to await your turn, we shall get started.”

OOC: OOC: The main activity’s here! I drew inspiration from 1997’s Men In Black where Will Smith’s character was being tested as a possible agent for the team. Feel free to look up that scene if you are not familiar with it!
Basically, your character will have to cover the Arena from left to right, while knocking over the bad guy cutouts using the Knockback Jinx. I will be posting for the cutouts however, you’re free to RP the outcome of your charrie’s spellwork. There’s no need to await a turn to commence the activity; simply RP as it being your turn.

The class will end on Wednesday 26th June at 11 PM EST. If you have questions, please reach out to me!
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Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 06-26-2024 at 11:28 PM.
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