Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Knockback Jinx
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Old 06-21-2024, 12:17 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Brandon!
Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Brandon had been quiet for the lesson so far, but he was listening and taking notes, and he nodded appreciatively when Professor Khanna mentioned that defense didn't necessarily mean having to hurt a creature or another person. Brandon could certainly get behind that... he hated hurting people, ok. Personally, he wished he could apparate out of a situation like that, but really disillusionment (like Bryony had mentioned) and running away (like the other students had mentioned) was the best he could do so far. He wrote a long, detailed paragraph about his thoughts in his notebook, and got more and more interested in the hypothetical scenario and what he would do. (Brandon was a nerd, okay.)

Brandon already knew how to say Fli-PEN-doh, so he didn't bother with practicing that too much. He was more interested in trying to do it nonverbally later. However, he supposed that a little bit of practice wouldn't hurt... "Fli-PEN-doh. Flipendo." Yup, he knew how to say it. Then, he practiced the wand movement a few times: a small check mark with a hook. But he made sure not to concentrate on it too hard, worried that he might accidentally cast it for real- which he most definitely did NOT want to do. That would probably put other people in danger, and Brandon hated the idea of that.

Dhruv kept casting his gaze casually in Brandon’s direction since the Hufflepuff had been silent all along. He was okay, wasn’t he? Nothing was bothering him? He just felt like being silent? Whatever the case, the student knew that Dhruv was always willing to lend an ear, and even to read what had been written in that book.

In the midst of all the murmurs and wands moving about as practise continued, they approached Brandon’s desk. “I see that you’re ready to actually try the spell out,’’ the professor remarked. “Wonderful enunciation, by the way.”

SPOILER!!: Maria & Kion!
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
When Professor Khanna came over to their desk's, and told her, and Kion to stop holding hand's Maria gave Kion a quick glance before feeling her face warm up like light bulb with rosy pink embrrassment. Quickly withdrawing her hand from Kion's she mumbled in response to their professor eyes downcast. "Sorry Professor Khanna. We will of course stop, and keep our full focus on the lesson. I promise!"

To do just what she promised Maria wrote down notes of her other peer's answers to the troll question. She was a good student. Hopefully not too many of her peers saw her flushed face as she watched the flipendo demonstration. The incantation was easy enough, it was the wand movement that could potentially be a bit tricky with the hook at the end.

When it was time to practice she started practicing the incantation first. "Fli-PEN-doh, Fli-PEN-doh, Fli-PEN-doh." several times to make sure she memorized it well enough to cast it. Then she practiced the wand movement 5 times trying to get the right movement with the small check mark, and hook at the end to become a fluid motion. First attempts felt bad, but they got better by the end of the practice session. She didn't risk stealing a glance at Kion's practicing or ask him for help since she didn't want to get either of them in more trouble.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

There was no proper excuse for Kion holding his girlfriend's hand during a lecture. It was something he momentarily forgot, so he took the warning seriously as he felt warm. "Sorry, Professor. It won't happen again." He then gave Maria an apologetic smile for her getting in trouble too. At least they were both right with their answers, which likely saved them from losing points.

Flipendo. It was a cute spell. It reminded him of some muggle item. Niptendo or something like that. Though the receiver of the spell wouldn't find it as cute. He repeated, "Flipendo" enough times before he practiced the check wand movement. Easy peasy. He checked around the room, seeing the younger student (Bryony, was it?) who waved at him earlier. Giving her a friendly acknowledgment incase she or anyone else needed help. And then he saw Maria, he didn't want to risk breaking her concentration, so he simply smiled and continued practicing.

The only way the pair would have lost points was if the warning had been ignored so neither needed to worry. “That’s alright.” The smirk turned into a smile of appreciation for the students’ compliance. They were quite welcome to look at each other though, just not to make heart eyes or anything like that.

Having made their way around the classroom, Dhruv was now back at Maria’s and Kion’s desk. “How’s practise going along here? Any difficulties?” They doubted there were any because both were capable students but as a professor, Dhruv wanted to ensure things were moving along smoothly.

SPOILER!!: Bryony!
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Incredibly sad. Bry knew creature injuries were inevitable at times especially when one owned them, worked with them or just was always around them. She was very thankful they wouldn't be dealing with any injured creatures today, so thank you professor!

Nod nod. Yes, making sure to be super quiet while disillusioned was very important. The third wrote this down in her notes along with the responses her fellow classmates gave. Speaking of which, she did notice Kion acknowledging her and smiled. It always felt good to be noticed. Not that is was easy to miss the loud child that she typically was on a daily basis.

However now was not the time for loudness or making herself noticeable. As much as she might want to make sure a certain someone was ALWAYS noticing her. The lesson was moving on and she really needed to pay attention. The information for the knock back jinx was written neatly down in her notes. Next she moved on to reciting the incantation. "Fli-PEN-doh, Fli-PEN-doh." Flipendo. Over and over again. It honestly wasn't all that difficult compared to others.

The wand movement was fairly easy too. A checkmark with a little hook at the end. It was kinda cute really. So wand in hand, Bry gave it a go a few times until it was one simply fluid motion of her wand.

As much as Dhruv tried to keep track of all the students during their practise, they couldn’t help but focus a tad more on the younger students. One of them happened to be Bryony. “That’s some proper pronunciation, Ms. Paton. Nice wand work as usual.” Hady must be so proud that her littlest girl was this diligent.

OOC: Loving your posts so far, guys! There is still a little over 48 hours before the activity ends
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