Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Knockback Jinx
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Old 06-20-2024, 03:53 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Brandon had been quiet for the lesson so far, but he was listening and taking notes, and he nodded appreciatively when Professor Khanna mentioned that defense didn't necessarily mean having to hurt a creature or another person. Brandon could certainly get behind that... he hated hurting people, ok. Personally, he wished he could apparate out of a situation like that, but really disillusionment (like Bryony had mentioned) and running away (like the other students had mentioned) was the best he could do so far. He wrote a long, detailed paragraph about his thoughts in his notebook, and got more and more interested in the hypothetical scenario and what he would do. (Brandon was a nerd, okay.)

Brandon already knew how to say Fli-PEN-doh, so he didn't bother with practicing that too much. He was more interested in trying to do it nonverbally later. However, he supposed that a little bit of practice wouldn't hurt... "Fli-PEN-doh. Flipendo." Yup, he knew how to say it. Then, he practiced the wand movement a few times: a small check mark with a hook. But he made sure not to concentrate on it too hard, worried that he might accidentally cast it for real- which he most definitely did NOT want to do. That would probably put other people in danger, and Brandon hated the idea of that.
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