Thread: Woodcroft Games: Caber Toss
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Old 06-20-2024, 03:23 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ezra Hensley
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Florence Schultz
Fourth Year

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Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
She had her mother to thank for her gracefulness, although thinking about it her father was pretty graceful too. It was probably the long limbs, the height and the calmness, the image of a swan who looked collected externally but who for many years, especially in her youth, was battling anxiety and feelings of self-doubt. The dress might have screamed regality but the thirty-seven year old couldn’t shake the feeling of being a little overdressed in comparison to the general population.

She enjoyed history thoroughly at school, she’d enjoyed education in general. The ability to throw herself into learning and homework and blend into the background relatively unnoticed had been her thing. It was the type of historic event she wouldn’t want to miss for the world even if it meant stepping out of her comfort zone. “Is Auntie Vashti here then?” she asked, her eyes lighting up a little at the thought of seeing the woman again. It was probably a stupid question considering the subject she taught. “It’s not my usual scene but it certainly looked fun on the flyers regardless. That and I thought my skills might be required at some point” she laughed lyrically, glancing over towards the participants hurtling their way down the hill.

She was familiar with the concept of the Caber Toss in its traditional form but it was not something she had ever participated in. Her home county of Cornwall was more into their association with the water and the Falmouth Falcons of course. “Not at all. The closest I’ve ever got to participating in a sport is riding one of Mum’s horses” Oh and she used to fly when she was younger but hadn’t straddled a broomstick in probably a decade.
Ice skating was one of the only times Regina felt any semblance of grace or elegance. But that was only a hobby these days, as opposed to her more rigorous training when she was much younger, but that had stopped after...well, after the attack. All that aside, she was glad that she'd rekindled her interest in it since then, but she wished the elegant movements translated more to when her feet were on proper ground again. Sometimes she felt like she looked about as graceful as a newborn foal.

But then again, her opinion about herself was often much worse than reality, so hopefully she didn't actually seem quite as clumsy and awkward as she thought.

"Yes, she is," she answered with a nod. "Well, somewhere around here at least... I think she was going to meet up with Kimmie somewhere." She couldn't remember which event it was though. There were so many things going on, it was a little overwhelming. Good thing she had a map. "Oh, let's hope not. Though I'm sure you'd take care of them well if it came to that." It would be really unfortunate if someone got hurt or fell ill though. Fingers crossed everything went smoothly.

"I haven't either," she admitted. She had played Quidditch for one term at Hogwarts, but that was the extent of her sports experience. Oh, and that mud run/obstacle course thing Naia had dragged her too years ago...if that counted as a sport? Regina wasn't sure. Either way, she had zero experience at caber toss. But it looked...doable? "I guess we'll be evenly matched if you want us to play against each other?" She was willing to give it a try.
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