Thread: Seventh Floor: Astronomy Lesson 1: TBA
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Old 06-20-2024, 03:16 AM   #20 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Celeste watched as each of the gathered students caught up on what she had been speaking about in their notes before trying their hand at the spell she had introduced them to. Each had their own flair in the practice though on the whole they appeared to be getting it. Except perhaps a certain Hufflepuff who had appeared to be more drawn to the magazine that YES the astronomy professor had seen. NO matter, they had the rest of the lesson to practice…as well as homework. And while she hadn’t heard Ms. Ackerly’s question about coronas, she had been on her way to expand upon the spell and its meaning.

“Protegat is tae protect, much like th’ more familiar Protego spell family,” she stated simply enough before continuing on. “An Corona is referring to th’ sun as a whole though th’ word itself refer to th’ outermost part of it. Normally it isn’t seen much because of th’ rest of th’ light th’ sun projects, but during a solar eclipse tis th’ very first thing seen when th’ moon finally reveals th’ sun once more, the flash being th’ most dangerous.” Which was the main reason people needed the protection to properly view the solar eclipse to avoid the trouble in the end.

At Ms. Wallas’ question, the astronomy professor almost smiled but instead did her best to hide the smirk that wanted to develop across her face. Celeste wasn’t quite ready to reveal her secret of what she was planning and risk distracting her class from getting the knack of the spell that would be useful in the long run. “Sometime in the future…” she mused absently as she prepared to move them on. They had already established that most solar eclipses weren’t THAT uncommon after all.

Grabbing a box that had been stashed at the base of the model in the center of the tower, she raised it up to place on one of the desk. “For th’ remainder of th’ class, I wuid like ye to try the spell on these,” she instructed, holding up her own version of faux glasses for the purpose. “Cast the spell and try them out on the fake eclipses,” she added, motioning where the sun, moon and Earth had already been set in motion and lit. “Ye will see the difference with a successfully protected pair, but the light tis not as bright as the real sun so nah dangerous if ye still need to work out kinks on yer casting. And should ye feel ye mastered it, ye can try on yer own gaze. It’s not harmful if ye mess up, but it can be awkward trying to get the right angle. Tis why I figured the glasses might be more useful.”

ooc: YOu have until Saturday when I wil be wrapping up. the lesson.
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