Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Knockback Jinx
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Old 06-20-2024, 02:59 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Replies!
SPOILER!!: Maria & Kion!
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Maria sat next to Kion, holding hand's in the DADA classroom for warmth. It was certainly brisk in the school halls this time of year, brr. Having Kion spend winter break with her and her family had been wonderful even though her dad's as usual had been a bit embrassasing at times, but they meant no harm. Her dad's liked Kion a lot just like she did.

Focus and attention turning to Professor Khanna as the lesson began Maria raised her hand to say the first defensivs spell's that came to mind. "Protego, is a useful selfprotecting spell. Also Locomotor Mortis would be helpful to bind the troll's leg so you could have time to run away to a safer place." This was hypothetically speaking, but they hadn't got many facts, where they alone facing the troll? Where they backed into a corner? So many questions.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Kion nodded, hearing how they were a gift. Usually, Professor Khanna wore the same type of sunglasses. The noticeable change seemed to fit him well for the Professor, whoever got it for him showed a lot of care. It reminded him of all the cool gifts Maria got him.

Kion's hand occasionally squeezed Maria's gently in support. Also when hearing her answer, he thought it was a great answer. He rose his hand eventually to add, "I would look at my surroundings. See if I could also use a levitating charm on a rock or object to distract it. Maybe even make it larger with Engorgio to hide behind or give the troll an extra obstacle while heading for safety, " It took a lot of strength to take on a troll by oneself.

There weren’t many facts because there didn’t need to be. It all boiled down to the situation with the students being ‘attacked’ by the Mountain Troll and Dhruv wanted to know what tactic would be used for protection. They nodded thoughtfully. “Excellent choices, Ms. Dolph. Both spells will indeed buy you some time that could see you making an escape.” The professor’s gaze lingered on Maria’s and Kion’s hands before nodding to the Gryffindor. “Brilliantly thought out,’’ they remarked, quite pleased with the creativity of the answer. Now listen. Dhruv loved love as much as the next open minded person but there was a time and place for everything. To subtly let the lovers know, they casually moved to their desks. “Hand holding can be done after the lesson, I think.” The words were said quietly and a slight smirk.

SPOILER!!: Emma!
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
In retrospect it was actually probably a good thing they weren't field tripping to the beach. Unless it meant leaving the country too, which likely would have required far more paperwork than Khanna was prepared for. Hearing Professor Khanna's introductory spiel had Emma curious about today's activity. Would they be working more on empathy for injured creatures then?

But the question posed was unrelated, wasn't it? "I once read something that if a bear is chasing you and another person in a forest, that you only need to outrun the other person. So I suppose one defensive strategy against a mountain troll would be that you have to be able to outrun it." Khanna did say defense didn't necessarily require use of magic.

Next, they called upon Emma. It was obvious that she had listened quite well to their words. Dhruv nodded, a smile spreading on their face. “Quite right you are. Trolls are notoriously slow due to their size and weight. Running from them is smart.”

SPOILER!!: Bryony!
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
It was the happiest day when this small blonde had finally patched things up with Aryan and the two of them were now stronger than ever. She was also making leaps and bounds in progress still with how she handling things with Drake and this showed in how she did her best to include him in nearly all the things. Everything was a work in progress, much like how she was working hard to get herself to where she should be again with all her studies.

"I'll take that answer as a yes!" Bry giggled, excitedly swinging her legs beneath her desk. This was going to be so much fun! The guys were excited too, yes?

As the listen was starting, Bry listened closely, her eyes taking on a hint of sadness. All she could think about was Beans hurting himself and being scared! It was complete sense for a injured crup to bark if their scared and hurt. She didn't want to think about it though. So thankfully they were moving on and talking about how they could get away from a mountain troll if attacked by one. Slowly she raised her hand. "You can disillusion yourself so the mountain troll won't be able to see you and then you can run away." It might not be the best or most practical option but it was an option.

It was always sad when a pet, or any animal for that matter, was hurt. They were a part of one’s family after all, so Dhruv completely understood why the youngest Paton. “Indeed one can do that. One just has to ensure they are quiet because the Charm will not mask noises which the Troll can follow.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dhruv returned to the front of the classroom, making some movements with his dominant hand so that the topic appeared on the whiteboard at the side of their desk in bold letters. “Today, our focus will be upon the Knockback Jinx. Before we proceed with further discussion on this jinx, I want you to take a moment to practice the incantation and wand movement, not necessarily in that order. The incantation is Flipendo. Fli-PEN-doh.” As they spoke, the word appeared on the board. “The wand movement is simple: a small check mark with a hook at the end.” A few demonstrations were done as the remainder of notes appeared magically:

Incantation: Flipendo {Fli-PEN-doh}
Wand Movement: A small check mark with a hook at the end

“Go ahead, get started on your practice. Feel free to ask me, or an older student, for any assistance you may need.”

OOC: This mini activity will last for three days {until Saturday 22nd June at 11 PM EST} but I will be posting Dhruv to interact with your kiddos in the meanwhile. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about the lesson.
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