Thread: Woodcroft Games: Picnic Area
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Old 06-19-2024, 11:31 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Evans
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Luca Benetti

x12 x7
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elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Even if he hadn't been part of the Hogwarts drama club, Ezra still would've been excited to dress up for this event. And excited about the event itself too, of course. It was so cool to see how different Hogsmeade looked, and all the games looked awesome. And the food? It all smelled absolutely delicious, especially when he was so hungry.

Thus, the food stalls had been one of his first stops. He couldn't enjoy playing the games on an empty stomach, y'know?

Luckily this event was happening after his birthday, so he could use magic to charm his plate of fish and chips float alongside him while he carried his butterbeer and a platter of cookies each in one hand. He'd been tempted to try a few of the other desserts, but managed to resist by reminding himself he could come back later for more. Even if most of the games depended on spellwork, he still didn't want to be too full and unable to enjoy them.

He selected a spot over on the side where he also had an okay view of the nearby summoner's court and the caber toss across the river, and he sat down carefully on the blanket so as not to spill his drink. Once he had set the cookies and butterbeer down, he grabbed his fish and chips and ended the charm. Perfect.

Picking up a chip to munch on, Ezra alternated between trying to watch one of the games, listening to whatever music was being played by the choir, and keeping an eye out for any of his friends wandering nearby. Maybe he'd share his cookies if someone stopped by before he ate them all.

A lover of the arts, Ev obviously had to check out the Woodcroft Games. There was just something so incredibly amusing charming about grown adults dressed up in ancient fashion trends while trying to win children's games. Maybe she'd even get to witness an adult-sized meltdown if there were any poor losers in the bunch. Here's hoping.

She was sure lots of the current Hogwarts population was in attendance today, too. No one had asked her to come with them to this thing, which had been mildly disappointing and a blow to her ego, but she'd never shied away from showing up on her own and so the fifth year wandered through the picnic area, a cup of fresh fruit in hand. Surely she could find someone whose day would be brightened by her presence.

oh, look! There was such a someone now!

"Ezra, hey." The brunette waved, approaching his blanket. "Think there's enough room for two on that? It looks comfy." Plus she had fruit and she was willing to share.

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