Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Knockback Jinx
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Old 06-19-2024, 02:59 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Replies!
SPOILER!!: Kion!
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Kion had arrived, thinking fondly of his winter break. Seeing his parents again, spending time with Maria and her family. It was a pure and fun tradition, though he couldn't help the feeling of knowing it was his last winter break from Hogwarts... But that thought can wait.

"Hello, Professor," Kion greeted. "Nice sunglasses," Smiling kindly before heading to take a seat. So they were going to be moving later on. That was exciting to hear. He took out his notebook, quill, and textbook out of his bag before the lesson could begin.

First to arrive was one soon-to-be graduate, a graduate that Dhruv would miss having in their classes. They comforted themself with the mental reminder that a graduating batch meant an incoming bunch for firsties. “Mr. Ingebretson, hello. Thank you. They were a gift.” A rather thoughtful one too. With Kion on his way, the professor turned to greet the next student.

SPOILER!!: Bryony!
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Bryony had easily returned to the swing of things up on returning to Hogwarts after winter break. However, that didn't mean the newly turned fourteen year old wasn't still buzzing with the excitement of the past holidays. Her spirits were at a clear high as she skipped into the room and took in the usual surrounding as she normally did.

"Hello, Professor," Bry chirpped happily, wiggling her fingers at Professor Khanna in greeting. "Oooh, are we going on a mini field trip?" That sounded exciting! Chosing a seat somewhere in the middle, Bry sat down and began to take out her things, waving at Kion as she did. How was she so early today?!

Next came Bryony with Aryan close behind. Their friendship was restored and there was a new development to it, as was confirmed by Aditya. Dhruv couldn’t say he wasn’t happy for the pair. “Hello,’’ they responded while wiggling a few phalanges on his hands back. “Oh yes, Ms. Paton. You can say that but I will spill no details just yet.”

SPOILER!!: Emma!
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Getting back into school mode after winter break was always a challenge for this Hufflepuffer. It wasn't anything personal, but just being off classes for a couple weeks, not to mention it being a Monday, was difficult. At least the Defense class wasn't a far walk from the Hufflepuff Common Room.

"Morning Professor..." That was when the older Gryffindor boy mentioned sunglasses and she took them in, along with what Bry said .. "Wait, are we going to the beach?" Like why else would he have sunglasses? Although she had heard of them being useful in protecting against glare from the snow. But they were inside.

Getting back into the groove of schoolwork was understandable. Even though they happened to be a professor, Dhruv still found it trying to get back into a school term after a particularly good holiday break. “Good morning, Ms. Montmorency,’’ they replied cheerfully. “Sorry to disappoint but not today. I’ll make a mental note for a trip there in a future lesson.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was now ten AM on the dot and Dhruv, being a human who respected everyone’s time, checked the third floor corridor for any stragglers. Finding none, the door to the classroom was closed with a firm SNAP! “Welcome to yet another DADA lesson! Today we will be focusing on a spell that can prove useful in certain situations.” They moved to the front of the classroom, leaning against their desk. “Something that I like to remind my students is that despite the usefulness of defensive spells, the spell chosen should depend on the situation and who or what you’re defending yourself against. For example, let’s say an injured crup is barking ferociously at you but you notice that the creature is bleeding from an injury. That said painful injury is causing it to lash out on the first person it sees. You wouldn’t or shouldn’t want to use any defensive spells that would cause it further harm. After all, it is simply barking at you.” Dhruv clipped the sunglasses to their shirt by one of its temples. “Keep this in mind as it will be crucial to today’s main activity.” Fun fact: they had once been chased by a Komodo Dragon but had chosen to seek refuge in a tree instead of hurting it. Ah, the tales they could relay because of their years at the Ministry!

The professor cast their gaze around the classroom then delved into the first question. “Hypothetically speaking, you’re about to be attacked by a Mountain Troll which is one of the most vicious types of Trolls you can come across. Its intent is to seriously maim you. What defense would you use and why? Keep in mind that defending yourself does not necessarily mean the use of magic.”

OOC: Hi! Thank you for posting! <3 The lesson officially commences now. Look out for the mini activity in 24 hours.
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