Thread: Woodcroft Games: Tug-o-War
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Old 06-18-2024, 07:56 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Molly Wyndham #cf4269
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Solomon Duck
Seventh Year

x5 x2
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
While not one to get particularly excited about dressing up in costumes, Sage did suffer from a quiet fear of missing out. Seeing as she was the girl who had donned her best green dress one Halloween and strut around telling people at a Halloween party that she was a splinter, the Slytherin didn't usually do things the expected way regardless. Today, however, she supposed she was a bit more on theme though still stretching what it meant to be a period costume. Dryad's counted and were associated with wand wood trees, obviously. One thing that was a bit too in sync with the others was her choice of green cape. However, in her defense, no one else wearing a green cape also had antlers coming out of their head.

Heavy, but incredibly comfortable, boots gliding over the grass as she made her way over to tug-o-war, Sage spotted her date Solomon and was surprised to find him so remarkably...beige. Flip that hood up of his and one could mistake his costume for...well...hopefully he smelled nice so that she could get that image out of her thoughts. Waving at him, with a smile, from a small distance away still, Sage took the remaining distance at a speed walk until she was finally beside him. "Well, look at you in all your browning glory," she mused while her foot stretched out a bit to lightly poke at the tassels at the bottom of his trousers. "What are you supposed to be?"
Solomon readjusted his hat a few times, unknowing that it didn’t match his outfit whatsoever, nor the theme. Why did he think it would give off the impression of cool? During his wait for Sage, Solly watched the other people about to participate getting covered in confetti and it warranted a very amused expression. See? It was a good job he was wearing a hat if that was to be his fate as well.

The distraction was enough to miss Sage walking over to him but his attention was quickly averted to all of her. He smiled in greeting and said, “Hey.” He felt surprised that she had gone all out for this, but wow… she certainly knew how to stump him for words for a moment because she looked amazing so he was pleased that she began by commented on his attire first.

The tone of underwhelmed regarding his outfit had not gone unnoticed! “I’ll have you know this is cashmere.” He gestured to his ridiculous poncho. Yeah, perhaps he was a little beige but Solomon was not gifted in the fashion department. This is why he needed a girlfriend, pronto. “I’m supposed to look dashing. At least I was trying to.” Solly may have been fishing for a compliment after giving Sage such a grand one beforehand. He chuckled off his apparent fail, because it didn’t matter so much.

Solly gently kicked her foot away from his tassels. No need to emphasise the existence of those, thanks.

I see you’ve gone for a bit of house pride. We all know you’re in Slytherin, Sage.” Solly smirked before clearing his throat for the next part of his sentence, seemingly struggling with it. “Nah, I’m only joking. You look … really nice.” Smile enforced - turns out it wasn’t actually that difficult to compliment her as she did look incredibly lovely.

Now for the reason they were here in this specific place - tug of war. Solomon was very eager to get started, feeling prepared for Sage to surprise him like she often did, but also quietly confident due to his general competitive nature. “Might as well give this a try while we’re here?” He suggested while cracking his knuckles, loud enough that it even made him feel uncomfortable for a split second.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________

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