Thread: Woodcroft Games: Food & Drink Stalls
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Old 06-18-2024, 01:20 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post

Chester would’ve been marginally offended to think that he remotely resembled a ‘kidnapper’, what with his cheeky smile and carefree demeanour and the fact that he was IN PUBLIC innocently assisting a lost child with her endeavours whilst wearing a darn Robin Hood hat, for Merlin’s sake. He had kneeled down on one leg and was just about to ask the kid whether she knew where her parents or guardians were when the child was snapped up by a feisty petite blonde quicker than his mouth opened and the words could come out.

“You must be her sister” his eyebrows raised slightly as he stood up straight and took in the sight of the young woman before him. Presumptuous maybe but surely flattering nonetheless? Besides, she had made assumptions against his good intentions too so they were now even. “Chester. Class of 07” he added helpfully to her lack of words over who or what he was.

“I found her helping herself to the entire platter” the almost twenty-five year old chuckled, hoping that his nonchalance might diffuse her attitude and he would not be portrayed as a villain in this scenario BECAUSE HE WASN’T! Soon the tears began to flow and all the man could do was mouth a ‘sorry kiddo’ at the weeping child as he tucked the cookie into the pouch on his waist for later consumption.
WELL, because he was SO misinformed, CLEARLY, Mavis would be quick to point out that there was no one specific look when it came to nefarious people. In FACT the person who had captured, tortured, and polyjuiced into her father had been confusingly attractive with his wild dark curls and dangerous eyes and someone who, under VERY different circumstances, could have easily graced the cover of Witch Weekly or literally any publication. SO...there. Or whatever.

Preoccupied with inspecting her daughter's features for signs of distress, Mavis was entirely too quick to correct the could-be-kidnapper-but-probably-not-a-kidnapper. "Daughter," she snapped, her tone a hair too defensive for her liking as she smoothed Andrea's skirt down and cradled her face briefly the mess of an an aspiring actress' palms. "Class of 07 meaning...what precisely?" How ironic that the presumption she would know what THAT meant was more annoying in the moment as she wiped a bit of dirt from her daughter's cheek with her thumb and stood back up. that she looked at him she did feel her stomach knot due to some vague familiarity that she could not quite touch. "Well, you at least obviously not Beauxbatons. I would know if that were the case." Not that she had been particularly popular after her transfer BUT she did know and see people.

JUDGE, JURY, AND EXECUTIONER WERE STILL OUT DEBATING YOUR GUILT, CHESTER. But Mavis had to admit that there may be a sliver of truth to what he was saying - she was an EXCELLENT judge of character, after all. Kneeling down again to hug her daughter, who had just taken her scream to shrill heights, Mavis felt her face growing hot and her arms almost beginning to trembled from the elbows. The more Andrea shrieked about wanting a cookie, the harder it became for Mavis to breathe. Again, today was NOT supposed to go this way and she would very much appreciate it to just knock these shenanigans off. "Well, she IS a girl who knows what she wants..." Wonder who she inherited that insufferable trait from? "Okay...okay okay okay can have a cookie. Just please stop shrieking!" The petite blonde then shot Chester a pleading scowl paired with an outstretched hand while the other held her daughter against her to keep her from rolling on the grass and getting her dress even more dirty.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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