Thread: Woodcroft Games: Butterbeer Barrel Roll
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Old 06-17-2024, 11:02 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ezra Hensley
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Florence Schultz
Fourth Year

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Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
This was exactly the type of event that she should have brought her children with her too. The games, the costumes, the food... they would have had a wonderful time. And she had considered it. But her own memories and feelings about this place, being this close to the castle, were still rather complicated and as silly as it was... she wasn't ready for the girls or Cyrus to be here. And yet, she'd had enough FOMO to not want to miss the event herself either. She hadn't been to Hogsmeade in years - not since her youngest sister in law had graduated nearly... 3... 4 years ago, maybe? But hearing her family, or at least a portion of them, were going to be in attendance to use the vouchers they'd all received, she'd made the arrangements.

Easy arrangements too as it was, considering Einar was always willing to take all three of her offspring whenever she and Noah had other plans. She'd dropped them off earlier that morning before quickly dressing in a Hufflepuff inspired outfit and taking a port so she could hike in the rest of the way. No small feat in the dress and corset she'd decided to wear to be on theme, and the healed boots she'd put on her feet to try to feel not as short as she actually was.

After she'd arrived, Kimmie did a quick sweep of everything there was to offer - noting what she'd circle back to later, before making her way over to the Barrel Roll. It seemed the easiest game to play and so it had been the one she'd suggested to her mom they'd meet up at. She hadn't made arrangements with her sisters or even asked if her brother was coming, but that seemed like information she could likewise glean from the matriarch of the Amstern's, so she'd just ask later. With arms crossed and a little off to the side, K watched the other patrons playing the game or also waiting to start.
As a history teacher and history nerd, Vashti was delighted by this event. The transformation of the shops, the decorations, the food, the games, the entertainment - all of it was so charming and delightful, and she was glad to be able to attend. She had, of course, reminded her students of it as well and had already spotted a few around the place with their families.

And speaking of families, her own were wandering about the place somewhere. She'd just finished checking on Lucy and Zephyr over by the tug-o-war, and now she was heading toward the barrel roll section as she had promised Kimmie. She wasn't certain where Regina was at the moment, but Luke had agreed to swing by later on.

It had seemed best to her for everyone to go around the event as they pleased with their significant others, children, and/or friends, and they could all regroup later at the food stalls and picnic area to eat together. They didn't need their mum and nana hovering around them and "cramping their style" all day, or whatever it was the kids say now.

Once she reached the area for the barrel rolling event, Vashti spotted her daughter easily enough. "There you are, Kimmie!" She said, greeting her with a smile and a hug. "You look so lovely in this color." Of course, she always thought her daughters looked beautiful, but this color in particular really suited her, in her opinion.
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