Thread: SS: Stacking UP
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Old 06-17-2024, 09:48 PM   #6 (permalink)
Harron Peasley
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Apr 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Billie Love Stemp
Third Year
Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
For the record, Sage Winter Ransom-Kruus always came prepared - it made her skin crawl otherwise. It was one of her strengths, logistical preparedness, but some may argue that it was also one of her weaknesses because she had a plan she was hyperfocused on completing said plan.

...and Reuben was already getting sidetracked by scrappy dueling. Sort of.

Even IF she did agree that a scrappy underground dueling club sounded cool, she was not about to admit this aloud and risk tiptoeing even further off task. Which is why she snapped her fingers twice, on either side of his head, and leaned in towards him just a tad with a wide eagle eyed stare. "Reuben, focus." Which was what SHE was doing as she set her stack of books out in a neat equally spaced row. She knew full well that not everyone would be up to her standards and she expected as much when she turned to see how the Hufflepuff was faring...but...honestly? Honestly. He was really lucky that he was cute. As long as they were not on top of one another then things would work as intended.

The Slytherin wasn't sure if he just didn't know what gobstones was (not that she would blame him really, it was hardly as riveting as football or quidditch) but she did not feel like explaining too many logistics and delaying starting the actual fun part: competitive studying. "Well, in gobstones the winning stone thrown squirts an icky smelling liquid into the person who threw the losing stone's face. Here, we aren't playing with stones and we the only thing we are throwing will be spells from our wands." Which was of course leaving out tons of details that she better get to know. "I've enchanted our textbooks to recite questions upon command. Just a little basic modification of the Summoning Charm where instead of Accio object we will be saying Accio Quaestio and pointing to a book of choice with our wands. The book will then create a large bubble that will float between us and sing a question related to that subject. I tried to get it NOT to sing because it does get horrifically irritating but...whatever, it adds to the charm or something. Either of us can answer regardless of whether or not we summoned the question from the book. HOWEVER...if you say the correct answer, then the other person gets splashed with a jet of water. If you get it wrong...then you get splashed with the water. You can test your reflexes and try to cast a Shielding Charm about yourself to not get splashed too. It's really killing multiple fwoopers with one stone in terms of OWL preparations. I'll be tweaking the system next term in preparation for NEWTs as well." And there she was, hands on her hips with her chest out, looking entirely too proud of herself. "Got it, DS?"
When Sage leaned in, Reuben half expected her to kiss him. That wouldn't explain the clicking, of course, but kissing was never far from the Hufflepuff's mind and when a hot girl was that close, his brain just went there.

Safe to say he was a little disappointed when she told him to focus. He HAD been focusing!! On her lips!!


Swallowing, he shook himself a little, trying to clear his mind. With the books placed, and him still not realising he didn't need to have stood them all up, Reuben turned back to Sage and listened to her explain the rules. Or he tried to, but honestly it was kind of difficult to focus, and he felt like he was playing one of those video games where his favourite strategy was to jump in and figure out the rules later. "Accio Queso," he said with a grin. "I've got it."

He did not, in fact, 'got it'. But he spoke with the confidence only a fifteen year old boy had, before he started patting down his robes looking for his wand.

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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