Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Knockback Jinx
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Old 06-17-2024, 08:48 PM
FearlessLeader19 FearlessLeader19 is offline
Default DADA: The Knockback Jinx

It’s a crisp Monday morning in January. The hour was rapidly approaching for today’s Defence lesson to begin which was why the moment you step into the classroom, you find Professor Khanna ready to greet you in their usual friendly manner. They could be found leaning against their desk meticulously wiping the lens and frame of the new pair of sunglasses they had been gifted the previous Christmas.

The classroom itself was not arranged in any particular manner: there were the same neat rows of desks and chairs; the comforting warmth, which Dhruv was a step up from the chilly corridors beyond the classroom’s walls, was present. There were no indications of today’s lesson’s topic but the students would only be kept in the dark for a short while.

“Have a seat, get your writing materials and books ready but don’t get too comfortable. The latter part of the lesson will require us to head elsewhere.”

Lesson Progression:

OOC: Dearest gentle, RPers! Welcome to our OOC lesson! A few reminders: this is NOT the first IC lesson to be held for the term so do remember to RP accordingly; please be mindful of the lesson rules & expectations as well as the Site rules. The lesson will commence in about 30 hours. THE LESSON HAS STARTED!