Thread: Hogsmeade: Zonko's Joke Shop
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Old 06-17-2024, 04:05 PM   #35 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Emma wasn't normally the prankster, but there was something alluring as she made her way around Hogsmeade that afternoon. She didn't really know why or what it was that had her moving her her feet into Zonko's. The fourteen year old must have walked past this store many times in the past not thinking twice about entering, but in this moment her curiosity got the best of her.

Picking up the frog spawn soap, she raised an eyebrow perplexed about this. "Does this .... turn you into a frog?" she stared, speaking aloud to no one in particular.
A prankster, she was absolutely not. But sometimes it was nice to explore some of the shops she wouldn’t naturally, especially as they had spent so much time this term talking about the history of Hogsmeade in general. She hadn’t done a great job at creating her own little community in Professor Snout’s assignment, but she’d enjoyed hearing others ideas and then comparing to their own little beloved highland holiday. Zonko’s was when she’d heard the history of thrown around here and there, the tales of the epic pranks that had come from the Weasley twins original days before they began creating their own products. And it had made her, perhaps, a little bit curious.

Entering into the shop, she allowed the door to drift shut behind her as her feet carried her fully in and among all the unknown products. Tam glanced this way and that at the shelves, looking for anything of interest to examine (where would one find the OLDEST products?) when she heard a voice inquiring about a use. A… frog? Tam’s head turned and she spotted two of her sisters shared housemate, and gave her a small smile as she stepped closer. “That seems an odd prank.” She nearly asked who would want to do that, but then she paused, “You know… if that is the use. Maybe it could be used for a Princess and the Frog type of reenactment, if one timed it properly.”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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